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主题:【请教】上网特慢 -- 千面娘子
Please let me know if you can't get rid of it.
[B]●Keep Windows up to date[/B] by installing all critical updates. [B]●Check start-up processes[/B]. Launch Msconfig from the Start menu's Run dialog and click the Startup tab. Look up unfamiliar entries on a site like AnswersThatWork.com to find out what they are and if you can safely disable them. [B]●Keep all security programs up to date[/B]. This includes antivirus, firewall, and antispyware programs. If possible, set them to update automatically. [B]●Back up regularly[/B]. See our most recent Utility Guide (www.pcmag.com/utilityguide) for various methods and programs for backing up your files. [B]●Surf safely[/B]. Set Internet Explorer's Security and Privacy levels to at least Medium, disable third-party cookies, and never click on a button or pop-up dialog without reading it carefully. Never allow a download that you didn't specifically request. [B]●Be wary of attachments[/B]. Viruses often arrive in e-mail messages with spoofed return addresses, so open only expected attachments from sources you trust. [B]●Don't swallow the spam[/B]. Tricky social engineering makes clicking on the links in some spam almost irresistible. Check sites like Hoaxbusters (http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org) as well as those of major AV vendors for lists of Internet scams. [B]●Set up your IM properly[/B]. Allow connections only from users on your buddy list. Disable file sharing, file transfer, and other advanced (but dangerous) features. [B]●Check for vulnerabilities via assessment sites[/B]. One of our favorites for this is Gibson Research (www.grc.com), home of ShieldsUP! and many other vulnerability assessment tools. [B]●Keep an eye on those icons[/B]. Antivirus, firewall, and other types of security software place status icons in the system tray. Glance at them every day to make sure they're active and not flashing any alerts.
goto start up tab, uncheck all the items looks suspicious.
Kill msbb.exe through TaskManager (Start-Run, type in Taskmgr.exe)
If msbb.exe still three after you killing it from TaksMgr or reboot machine, try this:
我在C盘搜索到了, 可否直接运行它?
我已经直接运行了, 另外一个问题:什么是垃圾啊? 我分不出来啊,请帮忙看看这些里面哪个不地道.谢谢!
至于哪些是“垃圾”,你要上网查一下。比如到google,type in 这些程序名字(比如BDSrHook.exe),看看google怎么说。
Good Luck!
最后还有几个顽固分子,msconfig.exe unchecked, 又在taskmabger里删除, 重新启动, 他们仍然跟回来了.
想在safemode里删除, 可是我的机器死活不进safemode, 死在那里. 只好先这样了.
Safe mode is the Windows diagnostics mode. When you start the computer in Safe mode, only the specific components that are needed to run the operating system are loaded. Safe mode does not allow some functions, such as connecting to the Internet. It also loads a standard video driver at a low resolution; therefore, your programs and the Windows desktop may look different from usual, In addition, the desktop icons may have moved to different locations on the desktop.
To start Windows 2000 in Safe mode
Do one of the following:
If Windows is running:
Close all open programs.
Click Restart, and then click OK.
If Windows is not running:
If the computer is on, turn off the power.
Turn on the computer.
Watch the screen while it is still black. When you see the black-and-white Starting Windows bar at the bottom of the screen, start tapping the F8 key on your keyboard. The Windows 2000 Advanced Options Menu appears.
Ensure that the Safe mode option is selected. In most cases, it is the first item in the list and is selected by default. (If it is not selected, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select it.)
Press Enter. The computer will start in Safe mode. This can take a few minutes.
When you are finished with troubleshooting, close all programs and restart the computer as you normally would.
我的机器内有好几个选项, 有一个safe mode, 还有一个safe mode with network. 我一直选择的是safe mode, 今天不甘心, 于是选择safe mode with network.
我把注册表,硬盘及task manager里垃圾都删光了.
主要是有两台机器, 实在玩出毛病了就用那台旧的, 所以比较胆大.