
主题:【讨论】王岐山给企业盲目海外并购泼冷水 -- 乐在其中

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家园 俺猜


家园 应该给黑石这些家伙发奖章


家园 给你抓住要领了,他还能混么?
家园 澳议会否决阻止中铝注资力拓动议


家园 你搞反了吧?


家园 【文摘】Theage

Parliament rejects bid to sink Rio-Chinalco deal

March 12, 2009 - 5:34PM


The federal parliament has voted overwhelmingly to defeat a motion aimed at sinking China's proposed $US19.5 billion ($30.2 billion) investment in global miner Rio Tinto.

The Greens party, which opposes the investment by state-owned aluminium group Chinalco, had asked the upper house Senate to call upon Treasurer Wayne Swan to deny foreign-investment approval for the deal, unless he imposed a virtually impossible condition.

The motion by Greens leader Bob Brown called for Mr Swan to obtain assurances that the Chinese government could not appoint or remove any executives of Chinalco.

Senator Brown believes Beijing could use Chinalco's influence for its own ends.

"We are marking 50 years of domination of Tibet, and there needs to be absolute assurance that the people who can put Tibet ruthlessly under subjugation are not able to determine what happens to our resources in Australia,'' Senator Brown told Reuters.

"We are talking about a police state, not a democracy, and a ruthless authoritarian government in Beijing.''

The motion was backed by only the five Greens senators and did not even spark a debate, after government and conservative opposition senators opposed the move.

Chinalco plans to pay $US12.3 billion for stakes in key iron ore, copper and aluminium assets from debt-laden Rio and $US7.2 billion for convertible notes which double its equity interest in the company to 18%.

The Foreign Investment Review Board is reviewing the Rio-Chinalco deal, but Mr Swan must make a final decision on whether the deal is in the national interest and whether the deal should be approved, vetoed or approved with conditions

家园 估计是“别饿死”
家园 牛皮暂时吹破了,不是那么容易的,中国人到底是异族


家园 直接种粮食就是,15万亿太吓人呵
家园 你说啥?
家园 你这要求也太低了,人不饿死国民经济也不能饿死啊
家园 花,你说的是
家园 否决了阻止中铝注资力拓的动议


家园 misled by the title of that

post, sorry

家园 我觉得不是领导冷静,而是下属不冷静。



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