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主题:【半原创】对考虑离开西西河的大人们说的话 -- 南方有嘉木
让我们见识见识。。。好象你到现在除了OK, 啥英语也没写嘛。。
就别提英语啦, 你连正经的中文讨论都没写。。。
来去自由吧,没有不散的宴席,再好的事物时间长了都会产生审美疲劳。 要走的要留的都不需要矫情了,什么大不了的事。
我不会每个字都记住。。。因为,我不会为你这种ID背书。。。你说俺英文不好。。。我无所谓, 我本来就是在讨论问题。。。不是讨论英语语法。。。
对我来说,西西河就像街头的小酒馆,每天回家总要进去转一圈儿,虽不是where everyone knows your name,至少I know their names,这就是所谓特色吧。铁手开了这个酒馆,他最有资格决定怎么经营,采用什么风格,大家如果喜欢,就常来逛逛,不喜欢,就去别家,很正常,只是别在这里吵架,如果总吵架,酒馆也有保安嘛,架出去就是了。
Now I feel a little tedious playing this stupid game. It is such a drag for me to read some broken pieces of English like this, if you still call it English. Even if you edited your previous version, you still have tooooooo many errors in your newer version.
What pissed me off was the lie you lied. You tried to post some different version and denied your silly trick. I don’t see any honesty in your posts except some nasty dirty name calling.
Sorry for the offensive words here. You earned them.
Let me try to correct the errors in your post. Like I said earlier, I am not a “tall man”, but I am pretty sure what you wrote here was just a bunch of junk. It is hard to believe that such piece comes from someone who is studying/living in the mother country of this language. You really need a huge gut to post this in public.
Here under is my corrections. I hope you still have an appetite to read them. Sure I will make mistakes in my post, and “tall men or tall women”, you are welcome to point them out.
BTW, I don’t give a shit on your target marketing strategy. They are just tasteless rhetoric for me.
Today’s market is characterised by intensive competition, choosing the right marketing strategy can affect the performance of ccthere.com. Effective segmentation and target marketing is required and the need to translate this into action. Target marketing and market segmentation, enables ccthere.com to focus their resources more precisely。Also deriving a greater competitive advantage and user satisfaction。
Obviously the above is with marketing and business in mind, if you want perfect English, try pronouncing the above with a mouth full of marbles, if that is too easy, repeat the following:
Awound the Wugged Wock, the Wagged Wascal wan.
You might be able to correct my English, try correcting your manners instead!
Today’s market is characterised by intensive competition, choosing the right marketing strategy can affect the performance of ccthere.com.
上面两句是并列句,即两个主谓宾完整的句子,两句之间应该用period分开,而不能用逗号,如果一定要加逗号,第二句前面要加连词 “so 或者 and”.
Effective segmentation and target marketing is required and the need to translate this into action.
(what the hell is this behind “required”?)
Effective segmentation and target marketing is required, and it is necessary to translate this into action.
Target marketing and market segmentation, enables ccthere.com to focus their resources more precisely。
中间为什么要加逗号?Target marketing and market segmentation 不是后面全句的主语吗?这东东是单数还是复数?
Focus on 似乎更合适
为什么用their, 如果前面用单数,这里应该用its
Also deriving a greater competitive advantage and user satisfaction。
这不是一个整句,Fragment. My English prof. will give me a big F if he sees this.
Obviously the above is with marketing and business in mind, if you want perfect English, try pronouncing the above with a mouth full of marbles, if that is too easy, repeat the following:
Awound the Wugged Wock, the Wagged Wascal wan.
You might be able to correct my English, try correcting your manners instead!
how all you can do is critise. I refuse to come down to your level, if you have nothing to say but offensive trouble making, try saying it somewhere else.
I will not waste my time on your version if what you think should win grammer of the week award, I am not in a school for an English competition.
All your post does show where you are really coming from and who you are.If you just like to be nasty, why not just go kick a baby or two, that would save me the trouble of being involved.