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主题:【半原创】对考虑离开西西河的大人们说的话 -- 南方有嘉木
不过我比较喜欢 only if那首
既然您英语那么好。。。高人,那欢迎你来用标准英语写一段对LZ的贴和问题的讨论啊。。。我们学习一下。。。您实在不愿意秀你的英文的话, 中文的也行。
Today’s market is characterised by intensive competition, choosing the right marketing strategy can affect the performance of ccthere.com. Effective segmentation and target marketing is required and the need to translate this into action. Target marketing and market segmentation, enables ccthere.com to focus their resources more precisely。Also deriving a greater competitive advantage and user satisfaction。
Obviously the above is with marketing and business in mind, if you want perfect English, try pronouncing the above with a mouth full of marbles, if that is too easy, repeat the following:
Awound the Wugged Wock, the Wagged Wascal wan.
You might be able to correct my English, try correcting your manners instead!
business NOT ENGLISH, get over it and get a life, FOCUS ON THE MATERIAL WE ARE DISCUSSING.!!!
Y 不讨论问题, 对语法纠缠不休, 你要说明什么呢?
我英语不好。。ok, 没问题。。。 那你是高人,那又如何呢?
跟你的生活, 我的生活, 西西河和我们这里的讨论有啥关系???
你再纠缠下去, 不针对这里的讨论, 你以为其他看贴的人看不到你的表演啊??你还有自知之明???