
主题:恋爱中如何识别和摆脱loser,男女都适用 -- coo

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家园 哪有这么多稀奇古怪的精彩


家园 补充关键词 山寨版
家园 只不过不想太累罢了


家园 新案例-中国女留学生被中国男留学生斩首


Virginia Tech Murder: Graduate student decapitated 25-year-old Hiayang Zhu has made an appearance before a judge in Montgomery County.

The international graduate student is charged with first degree murder in the death of Xin Yang, a 22-year-old graduate student. Virginia Tech say both are from China.

At a news conference late Thursday morning, Virginia Tech leaders and Police investigators say Yang and Zhu were having coffee at the Au Bon Pain cafe inside the Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown, when the attack happened. Police say Zhu decapitated Yang with a large kitchen knife.

Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum says officers arrived on scene one minute after receiving the first 911 call. Dispatch says they received two 911 calls about a woman being assaulted.

When the first officer arrived, Chief Flinchum says the officer found both the victim Yang, and Zhu. The officer noticed Zhu had blood on his clothes, and Yang had been decapitated. Flinchum described it as a “gruesome scene.“

Chief Flinchum told reporters that to the best of his knowledge, no one intervened during the attack, and there were approximately seven witnesses.

Virginia Tech leaders say Yang listed Zhu as an emergency contact in paperwork filed with the university.

Reporter Rex Bowman with our Richmond newsroom the Richmond Times-Dispatch, asked Chief Flinchum if the two had argued, or if witnesses heard Zhu scream anything before the attack. Flinchum said they were waiting for a consultation with the Commonwealth’s Attorney, and could not release those details of the investigation.

Flinchum later said neither Virginia Tech Police records, nor records from the neighboring Blacksburg Police Department and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office showed any previous contact with Zhu.

Tech leaders said Yang had not been at Virginia Tech for very long.


11:38 a.m. News release from Virginia Tech

BLACKSBURG, Va., January 22, 2009—Virginia Tech Police have confirmed the name of the female graduate student murdered yesterday evening in the university’s Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown.

She was Xin Yang, a 22-year-old graduate student from Beijing, China. She had just arrived at Virginia Tech Jan. 8 to begin her studies in accounting in the Pamplin College of Business. She was a resident of the Graduate Life Center.

Yang was killed at the Au Bon Pain restaurant on the first floor of the Graduate Life Center at approximately 7 p.m. Wednesday evening. Haiyang Zhu, age 25, from Ningbo, China, was charged with first-degree murder and is being held without bond at Montgomery County jail. He was a Ph.D. graduate student majoring in agricultural and applied economics. He began his studies at Virginia Tech at the start of the 2008 fall semester. Based on emergency contact records maintained by the university, it is known that Zhu and Yang knew each other.

They were in the Au Bon Pain restaurant when he attacked her. Witnesses indicated no signs of argument and that Zhu attacked her with a knife.

Zhu had not been under review or had come before the workings of the Virginia Tech Police Department, or the Town of Blacksburg Police Department, or the university’s Threat Assessment Team or CARE Team.

The victim’s mother, who is in China, was notified last night via telephone.

University leadership remains concerned about the welfare of the university student community, and particularly the community of Chinese Scholars. The university has counselors on the scene at the Graduate Life Center to assist students, staff, faculty, or others who seek assistance.

The crime scene is secured, but Graduate Life Center residents are free to come and go. Police interviewed several witnesses and are providing counseling support and assistance.

11:33 a.m.

Virginia Tech police say a female graduate student was decapitated on campus Wednesday night

Tech Police says the suspect, Hiyang Zhu used a large kitchen knife.


Updated Thursday 11:15 a.m.

In a news conference, police announced that the victim was decapitated.

Ten On Your Side Reporter Scott Leamon has been going through court documents this morning. He says that a search warrant says that witnesses told police that the victim and suspect had been seated together earlier in the evening, and it appeared as if they knew each other. The search warrant also says that the victim listed the suspect as her emergency contact on offical Virginia Tech records.


Updated Thursday 11:01 a.m.

We’re learning more information about the suspect. Court documents show Haiyang Zhu has been living in the New River Valley since August 2008. He was pursuing a PhD.


Updated Thursday 10:02 a.m.

Virginia Tech to hold news conference at 11am. WSLS.com to live stream - WATCH IT HERE at 11


家园 那我笔记本买了一周就去修的人,找谁说理去?


家园 刚开始特别宠的女人的,结婚后经常是奴隶翻身作主人了。



家园 可找到组织啦。握手啊。
家园 高两级的姐姐~~~
家园 握手握手
家园 恩,Coo也收小弟阿


家园 其实我跟他应该比他跟你早,没想到他自己投了别人,所以说




家园 闹跳楼自杀,割肉的



关键词(Tags): #婚恋#两性关系
家园 组织


家园 loser的组织啊。都loser啦,还不允许我们有个组织


家园 有组织

不loser le

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