
主题:火鸡节随想《1-3》 -- 潘涌

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家园 教会

Think about the boring life, the vigor of youth hidden inside the young body of those female, certain would take church time to show their beauty. 潘Ge, there should be many scandals ba?

家园 我发现两起。
家园 早二十年来美国,或十年前来美国很好。
家园 两起

I went to a Mormon Chinese church once, serving as a driver, not really going there. Definately, I saw some sparks between some people.

家园 是的,现在想去主要是觉的孩子该去
家园 I am writing what is the

real thinking inside.

家园 thinking inside.

Good. We are looking forward to it...

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