
主题:奇袭Granville--德军的"诺曼底登陆" -- benho

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家园 Hans

Hans might be the most popular name in Deutschland, like the famous German folk song, Haenschen klein.

家园 献花
家园 会德语的谁帮忙纠正一下Hans的发音

有个同事(美国人但大概是德裔),一次跟一个同事说起另一个叫Hans的同事,人家半天没听懂是说谁,我的发音是跟"汉斯"同音,后来经过一阵描述弄明白是说谁后,对方发出的音让我目瞪口呆,"航斯",航是四音,心想这样不是应该拼成 hangs了么,但似乎我就是发错了那么一点点音,让人家半天没明白过来.回头想,这个奇怪的发音是不是因为德语中就是这么个叫法?

家园 德语里面的a如果没有两点,发音同国际音标


家园 "航斯"and"汉斯"

"汉斯" could be you pronouce it according to American accent.

If you pronouce it according to European accent(Or BE), it could be ""航斯". Similiar words like can't.

In German, the pronouciation of "Hans" is close to the way of European pronoucing.

家园 Haenschen klein

This famous folk song Haenschen Klein was used in the beginning of the anti-war movie Cross of Iron to claim the theme. There are two types soldiers in German army during the War II, one is Feldwebel Steiner, playing the role of cross of iron and always lead the platoon to win the combat. Another is bad guy, captain Hauptmann Stransky who simply needs cross of iron to decorate his uniform and wants to play a dominant role in the army.

Haenschen klein ging allein

In die weite Welt hinein.

Stock und Hut steht ihm gut,

Er ist wohlgemut.

Doch die Mutter weinet sehr,

hat ja nun kein Haenschen mehr.

Da besinnt sich das Kind,

kehrt nach Haus' geschwind.

Please not try to sing in English.

Little Hans went alone

Right into the wide world.

Looking great with stick and hat

He was in good spirits.

But his mother cried so much,

For she no longer had little Hans.

Such, the child changes its mind,

Turning back home, swiftly.

家园 阿扁真是无处不在呀。
家园 英国人为什么不弄几条老BB对着泽西岛打靶呢?



家园 在美国Hans也发“航斯”
家园 不值那个弹药钱……泽西岛就是金门马祖澎湖的将来啊……
家园 在美国Hans也发“航斯”

Pronoucing Hans as “航斯”is not so typical in States, least in West and South. However, Boston accent is similiar to BE, which is supposed to spoken by well educated people. Basically the difference comes from the pronouciation of a in Ameican accent and British accent. Check the difference between British accent and American accent in pronouncing "understand"

家园 德国佬喉音

Not that simple. Bascially the way of speaking is totally different.

家园 他们发音有一个特点是嘴角常常向下咧


家园 嘴角常常向下咧

That is caused by pronouncing words such as "ich", "zwanzig", and "nein", which require mouth to have large motion and close quickly.

家园 我说的是Oe,Ae,Ue这样的元音


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