
主题:这年头疯子太多了 -- 青牛甲

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家园 so in 2006, he was still a

Chinese, it's very reasonable and possible that he got 抄家 in 2006 @ china if he is a FLG

家园 Flowering faulty logic?

Learn something about immigration to Canada at first

家园 read it literally
家园 至少在高科技业,人事部特别爱看拼音姓名的resume。


家园 Did you see the" ?"

I mean maybe flowering a faulty logic was whatyou want, you don't care right or wrong, you just wanted to flower someone who is trying to use logic. You of course always can do that.

if that was not the case then, maybe you want to learn more about canadian immigration law to judge whether his logic is right.

That's why I added "?" in title

家园 hehe

having logic is not equal to having a good logic or having a correct logic.

家园 Is it logic

If it is not correct? Is it lawful if it abide with a bad law? Is he crazy if he only follows only his own senses and rules?

家园 俺中文名叫古晶,英文名叫Jing Gu.呵呵。。。。
家园 google wrong logic, bad logic
家园 //blush

家园 最近砍人的好象很多阿


家园 现在情况复杂,他既加入基督教,又信李大师,还看古兰经,



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