
主题:今天BBC说,印度的饥民超过非洲饥民的总数 -- 晨枫

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家园 这个是全球通病


家园 花,深有同感!确实是这样,主要是没人搞他


家园 好奇

哪个印度论坛这么搞笑? 哪个帖子? 能给个链接么?

家园 印度论坛的帖子

Kakkaji Post subject: Posted: 29 May 2008 05:48 pm BRFite

While watching the news clips of the aftermath of the earthquake in China, I have noticed that the people, at least in the cities, appear to be well-fed and well-dressed. None of the stereotypical short, stick-thin Chinese there. In fact quite a few people, while not obese, could be characterized as 'stocky'. Very different from what I was used to seeing in pictures from 20 years ago.

It appears that within the space of a generation, China has conquered malnutrition. I would venture to say that the 'average' young Chinese is taller, healthier, and better-fed than the 'average' young Indian.

ramana Post subject: Posted: 29 May 2008 08:12 pm Forum Moderator

Kakkaji, Amartya Sen (he of the Nobel Prize fame) wrote a recent article published in Deccan Chronicle on how mvoing up the ecnomic sclae increases consumption and hence the food price increase! May be Asian Age might have archieved it.

Kakkaji: ramana:

Yes, but the point I want to convey is that China seems to have been able to move almost all of its urban population up the economic scale from 'semi-starved' to 'well-fed' within a generation.

And they seem to be determined and well-positioned (witness their contract farming in Cambodia, Laos etc) to keep their population well-fed, despite the rise in prices. It is the poor countries that missed the bus when China was surging ahead, whose population will face starvation due to rising food prices.

derkonig: All CCP propaganda.

Kakkaji: Boss,

I understand that the Chinese Govt. manipulates information. But propaganda cannot hide all the facts. For example, it is amply clear to me, despite all the CCP propaganda, that a number of school buildings collapsed in the quake because their construction was shoddy, which could not have happened without the collaboration of corrupt officials.

All I am saying is that the people appear "well-fed". which means the Govt. of China seems to have done a good job of taking care of hunger and malnutrition, even though they may have failed on human rights, corruption, environment, and other fronts.

shyam: Actually, one of my friends who visited Shanghai and Beijing recently told me otherwise that average chinese is not well fed. Their physique can't be compared to that of typical Punjabis. In fact, my friend lost 10lb in three weeks of visit there, though he resorted to vegitarian food there. He said, even the amount of meat present in regular food is very little.

What he observed is that average chinese is well clothed. The material may be cheap, but the design will be stylish. Because of cold weather they wear slightly thick dress and may look bit fat.

derkonig : What I am suggesting is that all those ppl in those vidoes can also playing their parts, all of this being orchestrated by the CCP. Its a bit strange that all these 'victims' are so well dressed, few look injured.

IMHO its all stage managed.

amit: Kakkaji,

I entirely agree with your point about the urban Chinese being relatively "well-fed" - certainly more so than their parents.

However, one small point - more an elaboration - China is desperate on contract farming due to the fact that it has very little arable land fit for farming. Despite having a land area which is almost twice that of India, its arable land area is far lower - off hand I forget the figure but its on the Net - than what we have in India.

And thanks to desertification in Northern China and pollution sinking into the groundwater and in the soil due to indiscriminate growth this arable area is shrinking even faster.

Another point: As people move up the economic ladder the quality of food intake changes. At the bottom is coarse grains, then comes rice, wheat etc and finally at the top, the amount of cereals and vegetables decreases and the proportion of meat in food intake increases.

Since historically Chinese have been under fed for countless generations - the poor country has witnessed more famines than any other in the world - as the prosperity increases all types of consumption is going up. Remember, the past 40 years or so has been, by Chinese standards an unusally long period of stabilty with steady economic progress. It's hard to find a similar period in Chinese history - one would have to go a long, long way back.

家园 多谢
家园 关于社会稳不稳


中国的社会矛盾小得多得多, 之所以大家有这印象是那么多放大镜架着。几百个人游行就可以上CNN. 我去印度两次,都遇上印度游行死人, 你看印度外面有报道的吗? 孟买通勤火车事故每年死3000多人, 对你没看错,就是这个数字,而且仅限孟买通勤火车。你看有人报道吗?俺印度同事对我说,外面的娼妓最便宜的70卢比一次。你算算70卢比多少美元。都说印度教是平和,其实不是。 看看他们教义也和bible差不多的末日决胜。差别在印度轮回说,还差不知道多少亿万轮回呐,所以现在不急。烧教堂,烧清真寺都是Hindu干的。每年都有几起。毛主义游击区也都是印度教地区。

印度农村很多村子里高种性的对低种性的作为简直发直,你看有几个报道。老毛说的对, 坏的东西天天报,用不了多长时间就要垮台,垮不了台,起码大家也觉得你社会不稳。


印度经济为什么现在还人五人六,说白了,就是西方下不了决心砍自己树的典型。但我看今年也躲不过去, 看这个雨季怎么样了。印度这几年经济好,也是雨季一直不错,超过历史平均的连续好年景。

家园 里面认为地震报道是propaganda是排演的唯一依据

可以看出里面认为地震报道是propaganda是排演的唯一依据就是“ Its a bit strange that all these 'victims' are so well dressed, few look injured. ”

当然四川人也是比较爱吃的 :)

家园 这是一个矛盾体


本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 城濮大决战今天开打
家园 印度政府悄悄要求电视台不要在奥运会上投入

I have heard that the Indian govmt has secretly asked all the TV channels not to give much importance to Olympics




家园 花,还有人呼吁理性对待BBC,CNN,晕啊
家园 献花
家园 还真不知道印度有那么多问题

心里觉得印度应该也不太平,但看不到报道,就不知道真相。看来印度是没有撞到西方的枪口上,要是哪一天西方收拾完了中国,或者放弃收拾中国,印度的日子就要难过了。我们在印度有licensee,用我们的技术生产聚乙烯。现在又有新项目了,去过的人对那里谈虎色变,而十几年前去抚顺帮助开工的人至今谈起来依然兴高采烈。抚顺在中国不算特别发达的地方,十几年前和现在更是不能比。看来这个India Shining真是不可轻信啊。

家园 按1:6算,相当人民币12元



家园 既然是悄悄,他又从而得知?






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