
主题:【原创】钉在历史耻辱柱上的毒舌:部分西媒对震灾的歪曲报道 -- 厚积薄发

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家园 嗯,好
家园 连一贯和稀泥的联合国发言人都看不过去了

某西方记者称抗震新闻不自由 激怒联合国发言人

2008年05月18日 12:39光明日报【大 中 小】 【打印】






听到这些公正的声音,坐在台下记者席中的我也再按捺不住,立刻举手要求发言。得到发言许可后,面对现场百余名记者,我强忍心中的激动,努力维持平稳的语速:“我要给这位无知提问者上一堂‘地理和道德课’!中国的面积比欧洲还大,而且地震灾区位于中国西南部的偏远山区。地震造成的破坏巨大,加之气候条件恶劣,即便是中国救援人员都很难在第一时间进入灾区中心地带。怎么能在交通通讯资源已经非常匮乏的情况下,置危在旦夕的生命于不顾,而让不了解当地环境和语言的外国记者首先进入?西方媒体不是一向标榜‘最珍惜生命’的吗,怎么能以所谓的‘新闻自由’来干扰我们抢救生命的努力?!”全场静默。(日内瓦5月16日电 记者 刘军)


家园 let's scale up the protest

A verbal apology is cheap and useless, let’s make an example by making this guy lose his job. The following draft still needs some work: name of the 10 major advertisers of the newspaper.

I will boycott Plain Dealer’s major advertisers as long as you carry Mr. Darcy’s work

Dear Editor,

Thank you for removing the heartless cartoon by Mr. Darcy regarding the China earthquake from your website. Unfortunately, this is not enough, especially as an apology from Mr. Darcy is not forthcoming. Anyway, a verbal apology is cheap and we have no use for that.

If you have trouble understanding the seriousness of Mr. Darcy offense, go try to draw a cartoon about Katrina or the Sago coal mine tragedy and pin it to our government's foreign policy, and see what reaction you draw. Outright racism against Chinese under the thin pretense of political comment has reached a whole new level recently, from CNN’s “thugs and goons” comment to Mr. Darcy’s earthquake cartoon. As a Chinese American, I am seriously concerned that what happened to Jews in Nazi Germany would eventually happen to us if this trend went unabated. Under such grave danger, something more than a verbal complaint is called for.

I have compiled the 10 major advertisers by your newspaper: GIVE THE LIST HERE. I will stop buying anything from them as long as Plain Dealer carries Mr. Darcy’s work.

I am forwarding this proposal to all my Chinese American friends. They may agree with you that Mr. Darcy was merely exercising his freedom of speech and had a slip of bad taste; or they may agree with me: Mr. Darcy’s cartoon is a thinly disguised hate propaganda which has way crossed the boundary and quite dangerous, thus we’d better act while we still have the freedom to act.

Fortunately this is still a free country. Mr. Darcy can continue to exercise his freedom of speech in his so-called “art”; we can exercise our right of not buying something while we still have that right.

Sincerely yours,


After you edit and send it, would you please put the final version as well as the editor’s email address here? So we can join in by sending something like:

A friend just forwarded the following email to me. Just want to inform you that I am joining his boycott. I am forwarding this to all my friends as well, Chinese or not. I still have lots confidence in this country: I believe it is not only Chinese Americans who don’t want to see it sliding into the mode of Nazi Germany.

家园 花!办法极好,严重同意,立即加入
家园 仁兄,借宝地一用

大家注意到了吗?西方媒体总是说是 中国救援人员,不太爱说 中国人民解放军。

家园 BY THE WAY,纠个小错

“As a Chinese America”应为“As a Chinese American”

“My Chinese America friends”应为“My Chinese American friends”

家园 轮子都是没有人性的脑残
家园 其实我觉得中国救援人员更准确



家园 我认为西方人是避免正面提到解放军


家园 别有用心的人肯定是有



家园 谢谢:作者意外获得【西西河通宝】一枚





家园 thanks. fixed, another mistake

noticed another mistake, should be "unabated" instead of abated.

家园 英文很少用People Liberation Army


家园 应该是新华出来的消息吧?补新华的连接:


家园 似乎有问题,见内链接



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