
主题:统计一下, 看看谁捐了款 -- 要你命3k

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家园 一点捐款的花絮

前天我跑到银行汇款的时候,银行的职员看到我填的捐款数,以为我搞错了,就特意向我确认了一下,在得知数字无误后,发了一句感慨,她说:"You guys are so loyal to your country!"(你们对国家可真忠诚啊!) 我回答她说: "Yeah, every Chinese will do exactly the same thing as I do"(是啊,每个中国人都会这么做的)。 那一刻,我为我们中国人自豪。

家园 向您致敬
家园 捐了2万日元给日本红十字会“中国大地震”募捐
家园 给大家花!
家园 Very very encouraging!

"Yeah, every Chinese will do exactly the same thing as I do"

---------we are so pround of what you did and said

家园 Flower!
家园 Thanks...
家园 Zan Zan Zan!
家园 zan!
家园 Zan!!

I experienced same problem then found out HongKong redcross could do it.

家园 Zan Zan Zan

Flowers for your couple

家园 Zan Zan Zan!!
家园 ??

People who is making effort for the rescue deserves credit

家园 zan!!
家园 It's nice having match
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