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主题:【紧急求助】给本校校报写了封抗议信 -- aqu
是torchbearer却包括上至SF前市长,下到high school
3。批评该文煽动学生envolve in political
skirmish,上街烧汽车 (实际上看看新闻,今天法国学生
judicial affairs office,因为用fake信息煽动学生
A biased report with false information on UDReview
I am truly shocked by a report on UDReview as well as her website under the topic "Calif. protests successful in pro-Tibet movements" by Mr. Haley Marks issued on 04/15/08. This biased report violated the basic principles journalist integrity. It also instigates political movement with false statement.
First of all, in the total 904 words of this report, there is not a single word regarding the other side - the supporters of the torch relay. In fact, the supporters overwhelmed the protestors by number.They included not only the Chinese in America but also from all groups of American. The people in SF showed their hospitality to the guests and the torch. Including the former mayor of San Fransico Mr. Willie Brown Jr., 80 people ran and carried the Olympic torch through San Francisco on April 9. They are scholars, former Olympic gold medalists, the retired, and high school students. Only one showed her support stealthily in her sleeve. Almost all of the rest of the people felt this experience as their "exciting lifetime opportunity" according to the live report of NBC. However, none of them were reviewed in this report. What happened to the fairness principle in Journalism?
The name list of the torchbearer from San Francisco Chronicle
Secondly, this report falsified the so-called "denouncement" from Mr. Jacques Rogge, the head of the IOC. Let's read what Mr. Rogge said through CNN, "awarding the games to China would advance the social agenda of China including human rights." in his "rare mention of human rights in China".
CNN news on April, 10
The report from ESPN on April 11 reported that IOC won't press for China-tibet talks, "As to entering into these issues, this is the line that we do not have to cross", "This is a sovereign matter for China to decide."
ESPN news “Rogge: IOC won’t press for China-tibet talks” on April, 11
Actually, Mr. Rogge showed his sadness to those "protesters": "We were saddened by what we saw in London and Paris, we were sad for the atheletes and torch bearers. We were sad for the children who watched their heroes and role models bing booed." on April 09.
CNN news “Olympic chief saddened by protests” on April, 10
In the ancient Greece, states stopped the war for the celebration of Olympic game, today fanatic protesters declared a war on the Olympic torch.
Finally, the author is instigating the student into a politicalized movement. Apparently, the people behind this report are not satisfied with the peaceful life in UD campus, they feel "happy" if the fanatic political protest comes to this peaceful campus.
Instigating statement on UDreview website
This experience highly recalled my terrible experience of the student protest and riot in Paris in March, 2006. I was in Paris for a research in plasma physics at that time. I witnessed this incident exacerbating from classroom protest to violent clashes between student and police. Cars were burnt in the street of Paris on March 18, 2006. Sorbonne building was closed by 2-meters-high steel board, with armed vehicles stationed behind it.
The incident in 2006 in Paris on Wiki
This extreme scene was the result from the politicalized agitations by irresponsible people like the author of this report. People like him used biased reports and false statements to disturb the peace in the campus. This is unacceptable.
I am a Graduate student from China doing my microelectronics study here in UD since 2006. I love this university and I love sports. Jogging in the trail along the railway is my favorite activity. Smiling and saying "Hello" to each other while jogging, either known or not, is the simple spirit of Olympic game in my mind. I don’t deny being a Chinese, naturally I do feel honored to have the Olympic game hosted in my country. Any attack against the Olympic spirit and the torch, as the symbol of peace and friendship, is sad and condemnable, especially from the most popular newspaper in my peaceful campus.
Therefore, I strongly urge UDReview take immediate actions to this report and its author Mr. Marks. I also demand an official apology from UDReivew to the readers who had felt the hurts from Mr. Haley Marks's report, especially those who support and love the Olympic game.
本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
上周末本地小镇200周年纪念,各个社团都有方队参加一个有花车的游行,于是本校China club就组织了一个奥运方阵,跟在本地一个武馆后面,于是前面锣鼓震天加杂耍,后面就是我们的奥运方队。人少了点儿,可是美女多阿,虽然我还没经人家允许....顾不了这么多了,反正是扬名出彩的好事儿么
[FLASH]Car was burnt in the street of Paris on March 18, 2008[/FLASH]
不知道你这个校报是不是public media,通常的应该不是,只是campus publications.
最后一段过了些,通常报纸道歉只是承认不该发什么文章,或者把你的反驳文章原封不动登出来。至少不能说all the reader,应该是to the readers who had felt the hurts from Mr. Haley Marks's article.
用词推敲不在行,煽动只能是instigate?faked是完全无中生有那种的,incomplete or biased可能更好些。
I modified them, and sent it to the editor in chief and cc to the president of my university. I may send it to the judicial affair office but not yet. Did I make too much voice by doing so?
本身就很熟的,只是考虑到duke内奸事件,先不要牵扯太多吧。省的又有人说我们的CSSA是大使馆控制的。Duke cronicle那篇文章和讨论我都看过了,很气愤,也感觉相当被动。