
主题:【科技风云】DELL离任CEO,加速公司改革 -- 西风陶陶

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家园 【科技风云】DELL离任CEO,加速公司改革

Dell to Give Up CEO Role, Stays Chairman

Thu Mar 4, 2004 05:17 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Dell Inc. on Thursday said founder Michael Dell would relinquish his role as chief executive, but remain chairman, making the computer seller the latest to split the two top roles as companies become more diligent about reform.

Dell named Kevin Rollins, its president and chief operating officer, as the next CEO, effective July 16. Dell, which ranks second to Hewlett-Packard Co. in the personal computer market, said Rollins would remain president and would also be nominated for election to the Dell board.

Michael Dell will "remain deeply involved in the company's day-to-day business," the company said. T

Dell spokesman T.R. Reid said the move reflects the current roles of the two executives, who work in what Dell calls the "Office of the Chief Executive Officer."

"Michael's emphasis has been on customer trends and (research and development) ... while Kevin's leanings are strongly to development and execution of strategy. The titles to a certain degree are catching up with that," he said.

Wall Street analysts were unfazed by the announcement, since Michael Dell will remain as both chairman and a big shareholder. He founded Dell 20 years ago from his college dorm room and has built it into a powerhouse, pioneering the direct-sales model for computers.

Rollins was hired as a consultant to Dell in 1993, and joined Dell officially in 1996 to run its Americas business. He was promoted to president and COO in 2001.

"Kevin and Michael have been working together for a very long time and I think the Street is very comfortable with Kevin's leadership," said Dan Niles, chief executive of San Francisco-based Neuberger Berman Technology Management.

Splitting the offices of chairman and chief executive is high on the list of corporate governance reform advocates, who favor diluting power at the top of large companies.

In recent weeks, other high-profile companies have made a similar split, including software maker Oracle Corp., where Larry Ellison dropped his chairman title, and Walt Disney Co., which on Wednesday stripped that role from Michael Eisner.

Rollins will succeed Mort Topfer, a former vice chairman, on Dell's board. Topfer will not stand for reelection, Dell said.

Shares of Dell closed at $33.13 in active trade on the Nasdaq, no change from Wednesday.

© Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.

家园 DELL现在公司上下都认识到,让他们最害怕的是联想,


家园 联想的"创新"能力之强,那才可以让DELL噌目结舌呢!


家园 同意。但是公司的发展同时有阶段性:




家园 我在国内的时候,联想在我那个领域是最没地位的大公司


家园 老兵啊,在三八节这么说是不是有点政治上不正确得嫌疑,


家园 对呀对呀,还是风兄最理解俺
家园 就是就是,老兵这样会给组织落个歧视女性的口实



家园 DELL的直销模式就很有创新。开创了美国的先河。


从IT技术上讲,DELL不过是一个“撺机子”的,一路跟着Intel跑,没有什么革新。但是从商业角度讲,DELL世界第一PC VENDOR(和HP交替领先),有叫人学习的地方。

家园 我指的就是技术,商业方面对联想一无所知

DELL在商业方面的创新很多,Just in time manufacturing/made to order等等。

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