
主题:【原创】美国政坛人物 17 - 耀眼明星巴拉克-欧巴马 -- dfindy

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家园 今早听到的一个民意调查

"Hotline Poll"关于2008年美国总统选举“今天投票你选谁为美国总统”的电话调查,无记名~~其他的条件俺没听清


18% 希来莉。克林顿

12% 欧巴马

8% 朱力安尼


家园 想不到啊。


欧巴马风头这么劲嘎!想他被 Joe Biden 称为the first black who is articulate, clean ... (大意如此), 也不觉太奇怪了。

家园 这个老麦肯是挺让人丧气的,犹如霜打了的茄子一般



家园 哎,觉得马侃挺倒霉的,生不逢时啊


家园 a very strange compaign vedio

Obama just posted a video for his compaign. This video, however, is against Hilary.


Dates back to 4 years ago, when Howard Dean was running his compaign for nomination of Democrats, he was against Dick Gephart, who was No. 2 in the polls at that moment, when Dean himself was No. 1. However, just because of the tip to tip fight between these two guys, they ruined themselves and led to a last moment surge of John Kerry and John Edward in Iowa, who were No 3 & 4 at the moment. The defeat of Dean led to the famous "Dean's scream" which completely ruined the whole political life of Howard Dean, once a strong candidate of President of the USA.

We could see the heavy battle between Obama & Hilary in the near future. The uncertain point is, will this battle ruin the best president candidates AGAIN?

Besides, there are other facts about Obama. For the best result, Democrats will run the compaign of Hilary AND Obama for president and Vice president. Then it would become the most wierd pair ever, a woman and a half-black. Will they succeed? Big question. Another question is, Obama is only 43 years old, he has a long way to go, and he would probably be a Vice president, due to his lack of experience. But Vice presidents never have a good luck in becoming the President, which means the minority might lose their BEST president candidate in history (with the best oppertunity).

Anyway, GL Obama...

家园 Colbert made too much on himself

a shining star of amusement and "as-if" deep thinker. By other word, he's making too much effort on being "ironic", which is kind of fun and seems to be good but in fact no critical point at all.

All they trying to do is to dignify that Obama is actually a cheater of being a "Black". However he's not. Among all his passionate speeches, he's not really using -- or asserting-- his identity of being a Black. His major points are, 1, America is a land that with hard work, your dream will come true and he will try to make this true to everyone; 2, as we could be trusted as a whole of "people want to make own dreams come true and make the country better", there's no need to make a clear line between races and parties, in case that no hate could not be resolved. Non of these 2 points needs his Black identity, or his history. His skin color, however, strenthens his speech on the BACKGROUND.

All I mean is, he's not ranting about and shouting "I'm black, vote me." and cheats. He's rather just "implying" he's a black, no strong voice, but some. I must say he's done a great job of this.

The point is, if he really strongly clarify that he's a BLACK, he would lose white. He's not.

家园 翻出来学习一下
家园 学习!

若用一句话总结他的政治立场, 那就是讲团结讲希望


家园 楼主能否


家园 纽约时报曾对各个候选人有过心理分析。

Attorneys at Politics: Would You Hire One to Represent You?



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