
主题:忘却牛熊之争,迎接股市挑战 -- 倥偬飞人

  • 共: 💬 65 🌺 36




NYX 80 call 3.5->4.5

AAPL 135 call 4.0->5.1

DRYS 50 call 4.6->6.5


很好,try to make it sustainable

Any portfoilo could have a pop up from time to time. The challenge is to do it consistently - i think the most challenge is you have to take 10% cash out every month.

This is a also a great test on your investment principles: will they perform in any market circumstances? In a bull market, it will be relatively easier; what if the market takes a sharp turn to the downside? Will you be wiped out overnight?

thanks feiren brother

I out all my options when I post in your thread. Since I don't like to trade in OE week. Maybe only DT. And there are so many big ERs this week. The volatility is high, the option's price is expensive. Infact I load NYX 80 call when it was 73. AAPL 135 call when it was 122.

I am not sure if I could make money consistent. I just follow the trend, see the money here and there and collect them. In a bear market I will also put the weakest sector. Your AMZN put,GM put is great, I should learn from you.

I don't want to compete with anyone here. This is my last post about stock.

Best regard.


I mostly trade option. this time I traded 300 NYX call, 95 AAPL call.

it's not about competition atall

the core of the challenge does not come from any individual but the market.

I am a fundamentalist even when trading options. Today the high flying stocks are not exciting enough to get me to buy their calls - I see more manipulation/complacency than value in those stocks, and I won't speculate on the next move up. No matter how high they fly, I am still shorting those pigs and they pay really well - they don't have a chance even in a bull market, so they will drop further when the bear comes back. Whatever market direction it is, they have the risk to go bankruptcy and leave not much chance to pumpers.

Thanks brother

Our trading principle are different. I like to follow the trend, in a bull market I long and call the hottest sector and the growth stock. In bear market I just put and short the weakest sector. I think for our small account investor we do not need to care about the further trend. TA is more important for us than FA. I use FA to find the candidate short stock or long stocks, and put them in watching list.

This is my concern as well.
PBS brother

Do you visit other stock forum?

such as trader168, wenxuecity and mitbbs?

I learned a lot from them, here I learned most from Feiren and Putao.

Infact the DRYS's idea is from Putao's post.

Me too,

I learn a lot from the friends of the river here.

It is more tolerable here than anywhere else.


Yes, and I emptied all my position. no trading during oe week is my principle.



他提出一个个股, 必定是他自己花了许多时间研究和观察了的,而且对价值面比较深入了解。

他给你提个醒,只是想告诉你,这个东西值得你去关注,会带来利润和回报。至于你爱不爱去看, 完全是自己的事, 飞人兄并没有想要有一点点的回报。

所以, 我相信他不是挑战别人,而是他给自己设目标。

实际上,象我这样的新手, 通过看贴,学习,是希望从一开始就养成一个好的投资习惯。

投资是一个很长的过程, 是马拉松, 不是百米冲刺。 没有一个好的投资习惯, 怎么在市场上得到的, 就会怎么在市场上失去。

就象学开车, 你可以到驾校去好好花时间学, 也可以开“野车”学。平时都没事, 但一旦有情况, 良好的训练和习惯就会反映出不同的结果来, 也许就是一个良好的老师教的习惯性动作, 救了你一命。


观察,聆听,学习,跟随,象飞人兄这样的市场过来人和有自己的行动规则的人是怎么样培养出自己的市场感觉的, 十分有帮助。

所以, 重要的不是去責疑,飞人兄有没有三位数盈利跟你一点关系都没有,当你正在責疑的时候,他正在偷偷的数钱玩呢。

关键是,通过观察,学习, 能否培养出你自己的市场感觉和投资利器。








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