
主题:忘却牛熊之争,迎接股市挑战 -- 倥偬飞人

  • 共: 💬 65 🌺 36
thanks feiren brother

I out all my options when I post in your thread. Since I don't like to trade in OE week. Maybe only DT. And there are so many big ERs this week. The volatility is high, the option's price is expensive. Infact I load NYX 80 call when it was 73. AAPL 135 call when it was 122.

I am not sure if I could make money consistent. I just follow the trend, see the money here and there and collect them. In a bear market I will also put the weakest sector. Your AMZN put,GM put is great, I should learn from you.

I don't want to compete with anyone here. This is my last post about stock.

Best regard.


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