
主题:谁玩帝国时代 -- 索额图

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家园 有高成本和低成本两种:

高成本呢,用重骑兵正面进攻长弓手,轻骑和骑射手包抄传教士和火炮。我曾让100长弓手和100 Paladins 对打,发现开始 游侠会被射倒不少,但一旦两兵相接,便如砍瓜切菜一般。


家园 能扛得住,其实paladin速度不快,用几个骆驼拥护就够了


家园 这就要算成本了


家园 in DM, not the dark age.
家园 等下班我回家试试
家园 其实戳戳海亡命冲锋几乎可以抵抗一切无敌组合,资源还能对付
家园 I only know in DM and method with people

Your method is good in computer, but not for people.

in Zone, siege weapons are prohibited, althoug they are the best to cut longbow. missionary is too slow and too expensive for using. The dirty method for longbow man is called trebbing, but it is prohibited too.

The typical way to defeat longbow is using 投矛手 and paladins alternatively. This works really well for French. Once u build a standing point, use trebs destroy any british castle u can find.

Actually in zone for DM (death Match), people only use british in BF (black forest) because the map. In AR or GR, british is hopeless against French. Because they will be crashed at the begining. You will never have chance to build an army big enough. Even u can do that, in AR it is not good enough to stop paladins.

In DM random mode if u can get british, u are good luck. But in this case, enemy will try to double rush you to stop u, and then u can only hope u have good allies too.

家园 u mean pikeman, right?

they could easily be stopped by champions. if u are talking about rush, the key is never just use one unit. of course if u are playing with people. computer is too stupid to do that.

家园 其实二代如果打成持久战,后期黄金缺乏时戳戳就会变成绝对主力


家园 u mean with computer, or people?

with computer it's a problem, but with people, gold should not be a problem. Do u play in zone? if u do, we can try to play there sometime. u will see it's much more fun. 56k modem is good enough.

家园 我的问题是家里电话线接口有问题,上不了网


家园 sigh

looks like u are in china now. Play in zone is really fun. A lot of expert u can see how good they could be. It is so exciting and intense.

sign, anyone play in zone with aok?

家园 我有一法













家园 no, it won't work

They are more expensive and their range is shorter. The best way to destroy longbow without siege is Frank Paladins. If it's AR (arabian), it won't have problem. But if it's in BF, it will be difficult. combined with archer range unit, it's no problem. If u can go to zone, u can see how it works.

家园 同志,我可找到党了



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