
主题:【原创】新冠病毒很有可能起源于美国 -- 慧诚

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            • 家园 呵呵,你想象一下最难听的脏话


    • 家园 意大利病毒溯源1月1日起新冠病毒就开始在意大利伦巴第传播


    • 家园 2009H1N1不是在墨西哥开始的,是在美帝开始的。连美


      “Where did the 2009 H1N1 flu virus come from?

      The 2009 H1N1 influenza virus (referred to as “swine flu” early on) was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009.”


      你不是第一个说美CDC应该回去查电子烟肺炎的病例或做些基因检测,也肯定不会是最后一个。这个问题太明显了,很多人都会想到。 我在网上就看到不少老中建议。因为只有这样,才能知道确切的答案。另外还可以查一下美帝10-11月流感的血样,排列下基因,就能知道这病源是来自何方。

      可是仔细想一想,美帝的CDC为什么要这样做?自己找自己是此病毒的来源的确凿证据? 可能吗?不管谁觉得有这种可能的都太天真了!根本不了解美帝!



      去年从1月到8月做的Crimson Contangion的推演,最后报告10月出来后。又是不对外。今年1-2月白宫就为了武汉疫情开过十好几次会,但都不对外,要有Security Clearance的人才能参加。 而且都是有关中国的! 为什么?

      至于是什么阴谋, 恐怕只有美帝自己知道。 这也就是为什么各种猜测层出不穷。 甚至有些事实指向这个病毒来自美帝国防部的生化实验室和CIA。

      美帝是第一个对中国禁航的国家,而且一直到现在,在中国已经有1-2星期都没有国内新确诊的病例以后,还在禁。 而对疫情同样严重的意大利伊朗,却直到一星期前还没有任何防范.为什么???

      这就是为什么美帝国内现在的病例基本都是伊朗意大利和欧洲别的国家传进来的。 也有基因排列证明,美国国内的病毒突变的很快,都有了十几代了。而武汉的病毒基本稳定。 为什么??

      总之,要想查清Covid-19的来源,即Ground Zero, 是绝对不能指望美帝的配合的。因为没有任何人或国家能够得到!美帝不会做这种配合。 美帝心里有鬼!而且美帝政府这次Messed UP Big Time, 正需要别的国家当替死鬼,为自己的不作为而开脱。 中国,在它们的眼里,就是最佳的替罪羊。



      • 家园 美媒“今日退伍兵”又出了篇新文,是与俄国科学院等

        俄国人合写的。基本又一次强调了武汉所只是提供给美帝北卡大学蝙蝠病毒,而制造病毒的一切工作都是在美国完成的。 由CIA和USAID等资助的。

        我用Google translation把前半部分与中国有关的译出来。较生硬,凑合看吧。懂英文的可以去看原文。


        “NEO – The Nasty Truth About Covid 19


        Gordon Duff, Senior Editor -

        March 27, 2020

        由VT高级编辑Gordon Duff所著,…与莫斯科《新东方》杂志一起,以及俄罗斯科学院东方研究所,该研究所研究亚洲和北非的国家和文化。






        到目前为止,COVID 19的起源似乎是美国。证据是切实的,也很重要,带有两种形式。


        美国于2006年开始着手对SARS / COVID病毒的基因修改,最终以备受参考的论文告终,据说该论文将中国与COVID 19的联系建立起来,其标题为:




        真相却大相径庭。如下所述,设计COVID 19的实际工作是在北卡罗来纳大学,哈佛大学和FDC进行的。摘要:







        在最初在线发布的这篇文章的版本中,作者省略了承认资金来源,即由EcoHealth Alliance向Z.-L.S.提供的USAID-EPT-PREDICT资金。该错误已针对本文的印刷版本,PDF和HTML版本进行了纠正。”





        您可以看到,在9/11后时期,当时的副总统切克(Dick Cheney)和国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)推动了对生物和化学武器,类似SARS的病毒以及沙林毒气和VX等有毒气体的广泛研究。




        因此,我们可以为COVID 19作为武器提供有力的证明,而且可以更清楚地证明,有关中国参与制造嵌合体病毒的指控是完全没有根据的。

        同样清楚的是,那些访问了这项研究并故意误解中国角色的人这样做的目的是,将美国所做的事情归咎于中国。这使我们有必要考虑将COVID 19重命名为“ COVID North Carolina”。



        其中最糟糕的是第二次虚假宣传活动,主要由唐纳德·特朗普和福克斯新闻的肖恩·汉尼提(Sean Hannity)等人与许多美国宗教领袖共同策划。特朗普和他的顾问肖恩·汉尼提(Sean Hannity)是未经正规教育的阴谋理论家,通常将COVID 19称为骗局。

        此外,特朗普与美国疯子边缘宗教权利的密切关系使亲特朗普的宗教领袖提供假药,对上帝的干预进行离谱的宣称,总是要大笔经济支出,或者只是像杰里·法威尔(Jerry Falwell Jr.)

        Falwell领导自由大学,并为复兴教会的巨大“祈祷与付出”,并吸引了数百万的追随者。他说,COVID根本就不存在,尽管法律机构禁止,但仍在重新开放教堂和学校,而唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)站在他身边,这也违背了法律机构。


        • 家园 这里有篇捷克的微生物学家的文章。说Covid-19来自于



          Czech molecular biologist, Dr. Soňa Peková explains in layman terms that COVID-19 virus originates from a lab in U.S. and not China

          By Dimsumdaily Hong Kong -

          3:33PM Mon March 30, 2020

          Dr. Soňa Peková. Picture credit : AE NEWS

          30th March 2020 – (Prague) A Czech molecular biologist, Dr. Soňa Peková explained in detail why she believed that the novel coronavirus originated from the laboratory in the U.S. and not in China. She also tried to disprove the claim which appeared on Nature Medicine journal that the virus evolved from a natural mutation.

          Dr. Soňa Peková revealed the shocking exposé in lay man’s terms. She has become literally a Czech national celebrity and star in the last few days, not only because her laboratory was the first in the Czech Republic to test one of the first cases infected with novel coronavirus but she also developed a new and cheap method to test this virus. During her interview with the Slovak news channel TA3, where she openly talked about the origin of Sars-Cov-2 virus and explained in detail to the host in detail why she thinks COVID-19 originated in the laboratory and not a natural mutation found in infected animals. It does not happen too often that a leading biologist can explain to ordinary laymen how it is recognized that some virus originates from the laboratory and another is not.

          In the interview, Dr. Peková explained that viruses generally consist of RNA strands that tend to mutate, change, merge and alter, especially in those RNA sections that take care of protein production. In this region of RNA, the changes are so dynamic that the influence of nature is natural and mutations from natural cycles are the most common form of mutation. However, each virus and each of its RNAs has something called a “control room”, a control site that controls mutations in the rest of the RNA. This region of RNA at the very beginning of the helix could be compared to any boot sector on the computer disk from which the operating system itself is booting. Basically, this can be thought of as a BIOS interface. And when biologists look at this piece of RNA, they just don’t go together.

          The novel coronavirus RNA control centre looks like somebody who turned it upside down and it still works perfectly. From the biologist’s point of view, it looks as if, figuratively speaking, someone has invaded the headquarters of this RNA control room, turned it all up there, throwing away all the cabinets and drawers in such a way that it is very hard to believe on the one hand, this process originated accidentally in nature, and on the other hand, that this chaotic and accidental process would not kill the virus.

          Dr. Peková shows the regulatory part of Coronavirus RNA where the so-called control room is located. Picture credit : AE NEWS

          Indeed, the RNA control room itself is the main point of controlling the mutation of the rest of the RNA, and in this case it would mean that we should believe that in nature somehow the inserter and the control room of the virus were rewritten to perfection without destroying the virus function. And that’s why Dr. Pekova believes that novel coronavirus could have originated in the lab, because such fundamental changes in the RNA control room of the virus would naturally not have occurred in the case, without destroying the virus.

          In an interview, Dr. Peková explained that the RNA virus functioned in such a clear way that it caused horror at certain places. Her explanation of what had happened in the RNA control room of this virus had crossed the line of separating incomprehensible information from the general public. She explained to the viewers that there had been massive gene changes and transcripts, insertions (deletions), deletions (deletions), and other complex changes in the magnitude of the RNA Sars-Cov-2 control room, if nature had created it chaotically and randomly, the virus would simply perish because it could not have functioned in an orderly manner.

          She explained in an understandable way to ordinary people how the virus works, intense “damage control” is triggered somewhere else with the sole aim of denying this information and impersonating it as a natural, albeit unusual, natural mutation without any intervention of man and his laboratories. She claimed that the US government issued an order to American scientists to deny this information. US government urged scientists to write counter-analysis refuting Chinese accusations and also statements by the Czech molecular biologist several days ago. It was more like a crisis management to refute all the information that the novel coronavirus originated in the laboratory.

          The paradox is that DrPeková made reference to a laboratory in Wuhan, that is the well-known National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and she said that it is not China that needs to refute anything about this theory.

          The analysis itself is full of scientific and biological phrases and information about the genome, which may not tell us much, but only the introduction and the end of this text will be pinned from the document itself. As it turns out, this is not a comprehensive scientific study, but rather a political proclamation to protect the US that US laboratories are not behind the gene manipulation of novel coronavirus. The article on Nature Medicine journal itself published on 17th March this year is called ‘COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin’ and in its introduction completely excludes the laboratory origin of novel coronavirus. The introduction to the analysis reads: ‘An analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.’

          Study co-author Andrew Rambaut in the article cautioned that ‘it is difficult if not impossible to know at this point which of the scenarios is most likely. If the SARS-CoV-2 entered humans in its current pathogenic form from an animal source, it raises the probability of future outbreaks, as the illness-causing strain of the virus could still be circulating in the animal population and might once again jump into humans. The chances are lower of a non-pathogenic coronavirus entering the human population and then evolving properties similar to SARS-CoV-2.’

          Peková working at her laboratory. Picture credit : AE NEWS

          On the other hand, the motive of the US military is clear, it is fleeing viral infection from Europe and there will be no Defender 2020 exercise this year (This year’s exercise was planned to simulate a fictional near-peer competitor in a post-Article V environment set in the year 2028). So, from the categorical statement in the second paragraph at the beginning of the analysis which shows that the novel coronavirus is not a laboratory product, she came to the conclusion that it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the described theories of the origin of novel coronavirus, and that the theory is only “Unreliable”. She understood why American scientists have adopted this approach because they want to keep the door open for the future, in case it breaks and the truth is open to the public. Scientists don’t want to risk their discrediting as part of the US government’s political campaign and damage control management where information is leaking and China accused the US of sending troops to China to plant the virus during Military World Games that took place in Wuhan last October.

          The US military has de facto silently abolished the largest NATO exercise in Europe since the end of the Cold War, Defender 2020. The reason for the abolition of the exercise is the Covid-19 infection that is currently raging across Europe. However, this is an absolutely unprecedented step, because in Europe, American soldiers and military vessels were already deployed. Everything was planned and it suddenly came to an abrupt end. With SARS, MERS epidemics, all possible avian and swine flu in the past, the US military did not interfere with any operations and major exercises. Why then suddenly, because of novel Coronavirus, the biggest NATO exercise in Europe in 30 years has stopped? Did the Americans bring a biological weapon to Wuhan last October, which mutated and, instead of infecting only Chinese people, the virus now invades everybody and, as it turns out, mainly Europeans? The reason is obvious, the American generals seem to know very well what novel coronavirus is and where it came from, where the virus was created. If the Pentagon never does anything, it is exposing its own army to its own biological weapons. And it is novel coronavirus, according to all information, not only according to the opinion of DrPeková, and not only according to the claims of the Chinese government that really comes from some laboratory program, and we can speculate that it may be a biological weapons program of the US Army and US Navy respectively. It all fits into a picture together perfectly. In October 2019, the Military World Games was held in Wuhan and attended by an American military delegation of athletes. A novel coronavirus epidemic occurred in Wuhan in December 2019. At that time, European media said that the virus originated due to poor hygiene and insufficient heat treatment of Chinese traditional foods sold on the street of China.

          Virus analysis on computer. Picture credit : AE NEWS

          In just two months, the contagion reached Italy in Europe and the Czech government in its naivety declares that it would not control the Douthern border of tourists returning by car from holidays in Italy. A month later, the whole of Europe was in crisis, emergency states were announced. In the light of this contagion, NATO is cancelling the biggest military exercise since 1989. If nothing else, NATO has just shown its weakness to Russia that it is enough to spread the virus in Europe and NATO is completely shut down. She could imagine that many NATO countries disagreed with abolishing the Defender 2020 exercise, but the Americans obviously knew what they were doing. Can a more severe flu stifle NATO’s largest military manoeuvres in Europe since 1989? And can a virus from a research laboratory do it? Apparently yes… Abolishing the Defender 2020 exercise is also perhaps an attempt to avoid sending out misleading signals if it turns out that some NATO countries will refuse to participate in the exercise due to the viral threat. And that would be an indication of NATO disunity, fear of viral contagion, etc. The Pentagon’s decision was certainly not easy because, according to the latest information, 9,000 US troops out of a total of 20,000 were to be deployed to Europe in the near future.

          Instead of Defender 2020, there will be a minor routine military exercise of artillery, armoured vehicles and aircraft in the Baltic, but to a limited extent and format. And all because of the virus, which, paradoxically, even according to American scientists, from this analysis is still unclear and inconclusive. When China openly accused the US of planting a virus in Wuhan, it is a scandal. As well as the confession of CDC chief Robert Redfield that in the US people were dying of novel coronavirus at a time when no one in the US knew about novel coronavirus, and death was originally attributed to influenza and only recently was found to die from novel coronavirus clearly reveals a very scary context. Dr. Peková may have revealed more to the world than she might suspect.

          Original article appeared in AE NEWS.

      • 家园 我也不认为美国会好好调查,所以就更应该要求美国调查




    • 家园 因为政治原因,这个调查不会进行的


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