
主题:从狭义相对论公式看当物体超光速的时候,是否是会时光倒流? -- 思想的行者

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  • 家园 从狭义相对论公式看当物体超光速的时候,是否是会时光倒流?






    最近,由中国科学技术大学潘建伟院士领衔的自由空间量子通信团队的彭承志、张强研究小组,在国际上首次成功实现了无局域性漏洞的量子纠缠关联塌缩速度下限测量,结果表明在所有相对地球以千分之一光速或更低速度运行惯性参照系中,量子纠缠关联塌缩速度下限为光速的一万倍。该研究成果发表在近日出版的《物理评论快报》(Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 260407 (2013))上。












    • 家园 讨论超光速都在以光为研究物


      • 家园 你问的问题不需要大球






      • 家园 多谢解惑


      • 家园 不会马上动




        • 家园 建议你再去了解了解量子纠缠与EPR佯谬再说吧


          • 家园 您是建议我了解一下无克隆定理或者无通信定理?




            • 家园 你见得多了,不见得你就了解了量子纠缠和量子通信之间的关系




              • 家园 Alice通过经典通道把测量结果告知bob:不可能超光速

                "通过量子纠缠进行通信" is not about 超光速, it is about "量子纠缠" part.

                "量子即时(我理解您所谓的即时就是瞬时,至少可以超过真空中的光速)通信,超光速通信" is not what 量子通信 about, not at all. period.

                still, this kind of discussions are very important in terms of learning about the related physics/math models behind it.


                as said before, the critical part of "通过量子纠缠进行通信" is (roughly speaking)

                between alice and Bob, they can all 对自己的qutrit进行相应的么正变换, that part is known only between alice and bob;


                still, Alice has to 通过经典通道把测量结果告知bob, or she did some kind of 么正变换, to the "EPR thing", and bob could calculate what kind of 么正变换 alice did;

                but there is no other transmission except for 经典通道, for Alice to tell Bob: I did something, done my part of the game, now it is your turn.

                and that "game(and how alice and bob play the game)" is only known between alice and bob, there is no way for other people like Uncle sam to figure out what the hell is going on between the two 中共地下党员 of alice & bob(:).

                "经典通道" transmission 不可能超光速, but it would not impact the 地下党 part of the game.

                however, without "经典通道" transmission part, Bob can never complete his part of the game.

                in that sense, 量子通信不可能超光速, period.


                obviously, "经典通道" transmission is not tricky at all, what is tricky ( in terms of how to do it in the macroscopic environment) is the making o f "量子纠缠" etc.


                still, 么正变换 is a super powerful concept in quantum physics, and in classical physics, we do have 正则变换, and I have posted before, folks need to learn 哈密顿力学/理论力学 first before learning QM/SR/GR, period.


                even "通过量子纠缠进行通信" is and will be a technology challenge for long long time, the information processing theory behind it is already widely applied in many areas, such as 并行通信 brain model etc, as posted before.

                in that sense, the fundamental concepts and the related modeling (logic and math language) are super important, regardless of what you actually do, in today's informational economy and politics (to some degree), that is a key part of "CORE algo" of the emerging global information and AI system.

                and I have posted quite bit about the possible "apps" ideas in that sense.

                otherwise, as an individual or as a nation, "文盲" of modern informational & AI version of 達爾文遊戲 will be cheated by those 氣功大師.

                largely because of GFW and other political issues, TGchina is facing huge challenges in those area, but as an individual, that is not an excuse to fall behind.


                so, study English and physics, a must, if one is still capable of leaning.

                although learning QM is hard (and learning without doing some lab work is even harder), for anybody.

                nothing is easy, kind of why Chinese elite almost all support TG, 氣功大師 plays political game while making tons of money with it, in china mainland with 1.3 billion workers 听党的话跟党走 , what a beautiful life(:).

                but nothing is free, somebody has to pay for that beautiful life of today's Chinese social elite. but who cares(:), let the suckers suck(:).damned.


                "量子即时(我理解您所谓的即时就是瞬时,至少可以超过真空中的光速)通信,超光速通信" is right in the sense of social physics: that "elite 通信 among elite themselves)" is 超光速通信, since "文盲" folks will be bypassed anyway, anywhere, US or china, china kind of the worse (but better than 印度?)


                obviously, humanity as a whole, 科学技术是第一生产力, and to progress in that direction, humanity need to narrow the gap between "文盲" folks and 氣功大師, particularly in social science area, with help of 科学技术 itself.

                to do that, globalization of information & AI system 24/7 in all kinds of language is the way to go, kind of why GOOG/FB are spending huge amount of their money in doing that, and of course 夹带私活 for themselves in the process.

                constrained and restrained by GFW, TGchina's model has fundamental problems with it: if nothing else, Chinese companies and Chinese people themselves, will be facing "文盲" issue, with 文盲" defined by uncle sam's global power, soft and hard, in the global information/logic/value/AI network or platform, dominated by GOOG/FB/AAPL/MSFT/TSLA etc, eventually hitting TGchina from 太空, etc.

                meanwhile, TGchina's 中国特色社会主义 (regardless of its logic if there is any): if it cannot be globalized, it is a piece of BS, making sense?

                and how do you globalize 中国特色社会主义: what is your logic model? any time frame? what is the risk?

                and how many generations of Chinese people's life will be gambled with 中国特色社会主义 in china first, then globally?

                and if nothing else, with GFW, how can you globalize 中国特色社会主义 as a culture/vaule/logic model to the outside world?

                with GFW, chairman X ideology 军 will more than likely=内战内行, and very likely 内战 is his goal anyway.

                I would think, this line of logic is fairly straight forward, and many Chinese elite folks know about it too, but, hey, for now, good & easy money and good life, and all you need to do is to smile with uncle TG together, then why not(:)?


                热力学第零定律- 维基百科,自由的百科全书


                第零定律是由英國物理學家福勒(R.H.Fowler)於1930年正式提出,比热力学第一定律和热力学第二定律晚了80餘年,但是第零定律是后面几个定律的基础,所以叫做 ...



                联合噪声下确定的安全量子通信 - 中国科学G辑



                它是经典机密共享的量子版. 在经典机密共享中, 发送方Alice 把她的私钥KA 劈裂. 成两块信息, 即KB 和KC, 并分别发送给她的两个代. 理Bob 和Charlie. 当且仅当Bob ...


                正则变换(canonical congjugate)探究



                在哈密顿力学中,正则变换是一种正则坐标的转变,即将广义坐标变换为另一组广义坐标,或 ... 从式(11)可以看出:正则变换有赖于函数的选择,这个函数叫做母函数。




                当前位置:学习内容 -第七章 正则方程. (3) 取pj,Qj,t为独立变量. 则有 (7.4.9). (4) 取pj,Pj,t为独立变量. 则有 (7.4.10). 以上讨论是显含时间的正则变换,即母函数F显 ...

                • 家园 "一个国家的真正崛起,是意识形态的崛起"



                  this is obviously a huge topic;

                  without getting sucked too much into it (obviously the whole china is pretty much sucked into this thing every day), I am just going to ask a few basic methodology type of questions or modeling issues, as food for thoughts, not really arguing, using some analogies.


                  as we all know, in today's increasingly globalized world, 意识形态 is not one nation's thing, particularly for big country like china, it is a global thing, much like the a commercial service or product: what matters is not how much you like it yourself, it is all about: can you make other people or the whole world 1) knows or pay attention to your product; 2) eventually, like your product; 3) pay a good price (hopefully a premium) to use your product

                  do you have a plan or model to accomplish all the above? do you have resources? what is your time line?

                  and any further back up/hedge plan in case of things going wrong big time?

                  and we do know, in terms of social science, things do go wrong, often big time, and bloody.

                  if not, what are you going to do?


                  as I posted before, for 意识形态, the above line of logic or modeling is even more important, because as a nation, you are basically gambling with your almost entire inventory of resources.

                  as I posted before, there are no easy answers/solutions for this almost life/death kind of 意识形态 challenge for Chinese as a nation, due to all kinds of reasons as I posted before;

                  what I am really talking about is modeling, should a person or nation start modeling process first, for any serious challenges, before jumping into river with your two foot, with "摸著石頭過河”

                  BS theory(:)?


                  as posted before & because of many known reasons, the Chinese nation has this big family mentality: the political elite kind of lead & manages the Chinese people as the elites are parents, and ordinary people kind of like kids, 听大人话家长话, already for over 5k years?

                  中央在下一盘很大的棋, 我們的對手 is not uncle sam or jpy, we are doing....

                  团结 under 中央, 天大的困难也能战胜...

                  what a world, again, as I said, today more & more people don't really care: what they really want to is to suck their share of money out of TG"中央在下一盘很大的棋".

                  why not?(:)

                  then how do you 提高劳动生产率 as a nation if everybody wants to make quick and dirty money out of the system by 套利交易?

                  yes, we are going to 改革, again, where is your model of logic? not just a bunch of emotion invoking slogans.


                  for the foreseeable future, TG is going to keep working on 构建中国的意识形态/中国特色社会主义 anyway, regardless, with GFW as some kind of 絕熱近似 from the rest of the world, or TGchina may fall apart yesterday;

                  with GFW, TG senior elite traders are going to 套利交易 in & out of GFW, sucking tons of money out of TGchina system, as they have been doing.


                  I have read many good posts here, really helpful, and I hope my 2 cents can be food for thoughts as well for others, again, in terms of modeling.

          • 家园 微观系统"絕熱": "超光速"意義不同


            first of all, "量子纠缠与EPR佯谬" is still bothering humanity, obviously, it had bothered Einstein until his death, etc.

            those are still of 微观系统 物理现象, even "global", in terms of "幺正操作", etc.



            in terms of macroscopic physics, that type of 时光倒流questions are meaningless, there is no 宏观物体超光速, period.

            of course, you could say you mean "微观"物体超光速, but what is a "微观"物体? blabla


            in QM/QFT, often 微观系统 is "絕熱":therefore system is 么正, 绝热过程可逆 etc, and we have 么正算子(unitary operator), such as "量子计算与量子逻辑门 操作上为所有可能的幺正变换,因而,对态的操作应是幺正的、 可逆的,无能量的", no media (we are trying to find that workable media, obviously) involved, "超光速", etc.

            and further into QFT, we have "虛光子", "off shell", many seemingly "超光速" stuff, many in the sense of 相位 field etc, which itself is still a work progress in QFT;

            the concept of 相位, 么正算子(unitary operator)in qm originally started with Dirac'work.

            and obviously, "物体" in QM is not "物体" as we know in terms of macroscopic physics;


            it is very hard to find a real physics system of "絕熱" in the macroscopic environment, and physics as an "emerging physics", "物体" is well behaved according to 狭义相对论, & largely GR as well, when "物体" emerged into macroscopic environment from microscopic environment, where "物体"超光速, "时光倒流" do "happen", but more of "mathematical physics" (for lack of better word description, we need to get into QFT for more "accurate" descriptions , etc).

            it's often difficult for people to tell the difference between the macroscopic physics and microscopic physics, with many same or similar terminologies used in both field but often with totally different meanings.

            and out of a particular context, even general verbal discussion of general concepts and models is difficult, if not meaningless.

            yes, this is a public forum.


            because of non-"絕熱" properties of macroscopic environment, "量子计算与量子逻辑门 操作上为所有可能的幺正变换,因而,对态的操作应是幺正的、 可逆的,无能量的"

            is still a largely a research-in-progress thing, no one knows whether it is ever possible as a real "app".

            and obviously, because of non-"絕熱" properties of macroscopic environment, china is facing a struggle in terms of its "normalization" with global "heatbath", 顏色革命 etc, which is obviously a very important parameter of china modeling, for chairman X & his team, as we know.

            by the way, no offense to you or anybody, just trying to clarify some basic concepts/terminologies.



            量子力学相位因子 - 物理



            由 李华钟 著作 - 2001 - 被引用 10 次 - 相關文章

            量子力学相位因子3. 李华钟. 中山大学高等学术研究中心及物理系广州. / 量子化对称和相位因子) ) ). 世纪物理学的主旋律0. ) ) ) 引自杨振宁在中国科学院成立.

      • 家园 不可能同时,物质不可能是绝对刚性的
      • 家园 传导速度仅仅是该材料中的声波速度而已。
      • 家园 轮子再大,如果角速度不够大的话,线速度也不会大





      • 家园 这种运动传导会比光速慢很多,因为不存在“绝对刚体”。



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