
主题:【原创】开罗清场之后 -- 晨枫

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    • 家园 纽约时报读者评论


      New Canaan, Conn.

      Emotions, when it comes to things such as this, does not work for me. So all those here bemoaning the number dead, well it is what it is.

      When the dictator Mubarak unleashed his thugs on Tahir Square, it was that the populace was fighting for democracy. For good governance. We were even led to believe it was an Arab Spring. Mubarak had to go for a liberal democratic Egypt to flourish, we were assured. A new democratic Egypt was just around the corner.

      Contrast that with the present set of protestors. What is their aim, their want? To rule over all of Egypt, to mistreat minorities, to appoint civilian murdering terrorists as governors, to mistreat women, ... the list is endless. Missing from the list, a liberal democratic governing structure.

      Closest comparison, not at all unfair, would be Hitler and Germany 1933. Winning a majority of votes, Hitler was invited to form the government. Hitler and his Nazi party did not much disguise their agenda. And it would be a different world today if Hitler had been removed, similarly early on.

      Consider this : Under Morsi's MB the past fifteen months, Alexandria banished Christians and Shias and Jews and other minority citizens. They were asked to leave and most left. Some converted.

      So when you moan about 300 dead or 3000 dead, it is necessary to ask what did they die for. Were they fighting for a liberal democracy? or for a right to practice their religion? or for a right to impose their religious beliefs on all?

    • 家园 不厚道的想到某人了


    • 家园 奥巴马严厉谴责埃及政府并加以制裁



      • 家园 奥巴马到底埋了多少银子啊





    • 家园 民主适合微调、小调利益格局,大的不均衡要由革命来调整。


    • 家园 因为"政治正确"是外来者对埃及的判断






    • 家园 Historicially Egypt was

      always susceptible to foreign influence, largely due to its unique geographic location--90% of its population concentrates on a narrow strip of land near Nile. Today it is as vulnerable as it has been for thousands of years. Foreign powers dictates what is going to happen in this hopeless country, which has unparalelled geo-political importance.

      Less than one Month ago, Putin openly commented that Egypt was at brink of a civil war. Such comment, of course, was based on Russian intelligence in Mid-East region.

      If Russia knew the risks of civil war, the U.S. obvious knew it better. That the massacre happened a few days after Sen. McCain's departure from Cairo is probably no coicidence. I doubt whether what is happening in Egypt is part of a deliberate plan to interupt Sino-Europe trade, so that North America will regain its central position in global trade in the long-run. Think about the historical fact that the discovery of America was the by-product of the severance of Sino-Europe trade after the collapes of the Mogolian Empire.

      • 家园 跑题一下:我认为普京的目标是沙特



      • 家园 埃及让人想起了吴庭艳

        吴庭艳也是美国判断一定要下台的 - 他的人民恨死他了,他的将军恨死他了,他的敌人当然也恨死他了。美国人默许把他搞下了台,却没想到一个将军比一个将军废柴。

    • 家园 公知们选择性失明了
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