
主题:【原创】以人民的名义 -- 中国对日走出好局 -- 萨苏

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    • 家园 可能的结局是:


    • 家园 日本政府不一定会理会中国的民意




    • 家园 昨天今天连续两天,上海主流媒体开始大规模行动,企图给反日降温




    • 家园 一杯开水就砸过去?C你今天不给我们这位小姐道歉就别想出这个门!


    • 家园 以民间 对民间 说实话 这会的中日纷争 我们的手法成熟多了

      近年来, 日本在对华的强硬政策上,不断地利用民间当挡箭牌.钓鱼岛, 教科书... 与以往相比, 我们没有单纯的抗议,因为目标不对.所以,放手让民间来对民间 回旋余地就大多了. 如果不出昏招,这次算是扳平.

      • 家园 苏联解体的时候


    • 家园 萨大神人啊





      • 家园 本届政府或其码是他们的参谋圈。






    • 家园 【鹿透社消息】小日本道歉了!! (英文版)

      Japanese PM apologises for colonial past

      Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi apologised today for the "tremendous damage and suffering" caused by Japan's wartime past in an apparent effort to help douse a flaming row with China.

      Koizumi made the apology during a speech at a multilateral summit in Jakarta in front of leaders from 100 Asian and African countries including Chinese President Hu Jintao, whom he is likely to meet in the coming days.

      Japan's foreign minister had said the fence-mending talks would probably take place today but a Japanese government source said this was unlikely.

      Officials were trying to arrange a meeting for sometime tomorrow or later, the source said.

      "In the past, Japan, through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly to those of Asian nations," Koizumi said during the opening of the Asia-Africa summit.

      "Japan squarely faces these facts of history in a spirit of humility," he said, adding that the Japanese people have engraved in their minds "feelings of deep remorse and heartfelt apology".


      AdvertisementThe apology conforms with past statements by Tokyo but such an admission in front of an international audience is rare.

      Relations between the two Asian economic powerhouses are at their worst since they normalised ties in 1972.

      Thousands have demonstrated in cities across China the past three weekends in violent protests against Japanese textbooks that critics say whitewashes its wartime history and Tokyo's campaign for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

      Both sides have, however, been making some soothing noises in an effort to keep relations from unravelling and damaging economic ties worth $US212 billion ($A273.55 billion) in annual trade.

      But in a development that could stir fresh outrage in China, 80 Japanese members of parliament turned out today to pay their respects to Japan's war dead at a Tokyo shrine that has become a symbol of the animosity.

      A spokesman for the group said the visits to the Yasukuni Shrine were intended to honour the dead and pray for peace, not to anger China or South Korea, both of which were victims of Japanese military aggression.

      Ties with China chilled markedly after Koizumi took office in 2001 and began annual visits to Yasukuni. He has not visited yet this year.

      In brief comments when he arrived in Jakarta yesterday, Hu said he looked forward to talks with other leaders on Asia-Africa cooperation but did not touch on the Japan tension.

      The dispute has unnerved Asian countries and overshadowed the summit in Jakarta, being held to commemorate the 1955 Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung, which gathered former colonised nations from the two continents for the first time.

      Koizumi told the summit that Japan planned to double its official development assistance to African nations over the next three years and provide the bulk of it in grant aid.

      Analysts have said Japan sees increasing its foreign aid to poor countries as a way to bolster its bid for a seat on the UN Security Council, which is steadfastly opposed by China.

      Speaking at a business dinner last night, Hu said China would adhere to peaceful development in a bid to allay regional fears in the wake of the anti-Japanese protests at home and a new law mandating war against Taiwan.

      Indeed, mixed signals have emanated from Beijing as the government seeks to rein in anti-Japan protests while insisting they were triggered by Tokyo's refusal to deal with its past.

      Beijing has refused Tokyo's demand for an apology and compensation for the damage caused to Japanese property in the demonstrations. China has also said its people should not take part in unapproved protests.

      One of the big areas of contention has been disputed waters in the East China Sea.

      Today, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported Japan was set to agree to a proposal by China to discuss joint development of gas fields in the region.

      Japanese Trade Minister Shoichi Nakagawa said he was not aware that China had made such a proposal, but he did not rule out joint development.

      - Reuters

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