
主题:【原创】连续4天每天4、5%的涨跌后,是不是有了苗头 -- 铁手

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    • 家园 我是短期看涨,长期严重看空的悲观者





      • 家园 为什么大家这么悲观呢?






        • 家园 美元和欧元是不兼容的





          • 家园 对啊,散户也可以做空的。哈哈,下周估计就可以进场做空了。


    • 家园 wrong focus

      1. the whole US debt limit farce is a waste of media eyeballs. Market fall due to US political fight is actually limited. The main driver of this round of crisis is European sovereign bond.

      2. Sovereign bond problems spreads into Italy. Panic depositors are shifting money from Italy/Spain into Switzerland, gold and other AAA bonds. Repo market for banks has frozen and it is going to hit banking system first, then the real economy (lots of firms).

      Most fall comes from Europe first, then hitting Asia and America. Of course, US fundamentals are deteriorating, but European markets fell much more than the American market.

      Canadian market outperforms almost all G7 peers with smaller decline this time. The safest nation among all G7 now.

      3.Next stage of crisis will depend on the actions from European nations. Trivial events, such as an impasse after Germany-France meeting, or French credit rating downgrade or a bank run in Europe can easily spill into the 2nd stage crisis.

      Stock short-ban could face-lift equity market price, but it could NOT rescue lost confidence in PIIGs gov. bonds, their bankings system, the ST lending market, the ST shadow banking market in Euroland...

      Good luck to Europe for the next 2 weeks!

      BTW, a deepening Eastern European banking crisis is just around the corner...

      • 家园 事实上禁止做空只会带来更大的恐慌
      • 家园 先看下周二法德会晤会有没有新的措施提出来。
      • 家园 Canadian

        market outperformed her peer group due to stronger gold price and fiscal balance sheet. For counties with the least “stimulus plan” or money dilution, their currencies will outperform USD, Yen and Pond for the time period.

        However, GDP growth of countries like Canada, Australia and Norway greatly depends on commodity price. With a sharp fall of all commodities in the near and intermediate term, the heavy health care and social welfare burden will eventually cause fiscal deficits and downgrade of their sovereign bond rating.

        The magnitude of this market fall calls for an Exit plan.

        • 家园 fully agree.

          Canadian economy depends heavily on export. Actually, its biggest threat will be a fast-slowing Chinese economy and a global economic contraction.

          In the long run, Canadian economy will not be immune from Euroland collapse. That's why I will pray for a slow death of Euroland, stretching out over 10 years, if possible.

          The biggest threat to Canadian banking system is actually American banking system. Since American banks have passed the emergency aid stage, I am less concerned now for North America, at least for 12 months. Canada has conservative banks, stable gov., competent bank regulators and AAA gov. bonds.

          Even if hell falls eventually, but at least we can now joke at France/Italy for a while...

          • 家园 Hint from Mr. Fruit

            The gov decides to roll out the 2nd stimulus plan regardless for the sake of employment or special interest groups. They need an excuse for propaganda purpose. The debt crisis is a window of opportunity.

            We'll see.

            • 家园 China can not rescue the who

              whole world even with another emergency package. It will be lucky if it could manage through the following global crisis with out an internal social implosion.

              Chinese elites are sitting on a volcano of anger and mistrust. 723 is just one leakout of this strong negative feeling. As I emphasized several times on this forum, sharing wealth and benefits from growth is the right way to achieve "harmony" in china.

              Do not take Mr. Fruit too seriously. High-level top gov. aide will not have time writing all those long long posts and leak out sensitive info.

              One needs to know when to give technical advice, when to shut up.

      • 家园 教授,问个问题,为什么还有钱耗在Italy/Spain上




    • 家园 【原创】全球经济恢复基本面来看

      法国经济增长和上季度比为0增长,美国0.7% 德国没看.估计也继续放缓,中国今天7月M2增长为14.7%预期15.8%货币政策估计继续偏紧.日本不用看了.日圆涨那么多,我不信他经济能恢复起来.全球经济基本面都不好.美国估计不能QE3.QE3了也没啥用.股票按这个来看应该继续跌吧.只是猛跌的可能性不大,涨涨跌跌,总方向继续跌.A股估计还有探底.看看吧

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