
主题:【原创】简单评论评论蒋介石 -- 电子赵括

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      • 家园 这个开脱就很搞笑了




        • 家园 很搞笑

          Sorry for English typing.

          You are right, Zhang realized he couldn't get any support, thus he gave up the resistance totally. However, in Zhang's case, Japanese already attacked his army, and he had no way to by-pass it. It came to the time of showing final cards, but he chose not showing. As a result, he lost his home and treasure.

          In the case of Jiang, if he would adandom those treaties, which means cut off the Japan's expanding from this direction, he would give Japanese very strong excuse of lauching a war.

          It is well accepted facts to Jiang and his generals, that China and Japan would have a war to solve the problem between two countires, which could be the only way to stop Japan's expansion. What he could do is to postpone time of war, and make preparation for it.

          • 家园 济南惨案

            似乎好像蒋在1928年就给小张示范过在当缩头乌龟和“show final cards"间该如何选择。

            • 家园 济南惨案 and showing card.

              Yes. That is the most controvertial issue in the history of China. People tend to explain Zhang's decision as the "Not resist" telegram sent by Jiang. It is also true that Japanese army also attacked Jiang's army in Jinan, and Jiang chose retreat in 1928.

              Now argueing this issue might not make much sense since we don't have very solid evidences. Here I would like to explain: Zhang has been a military lord for quite long time in Northeastern China. He should be certainly aware what was the expectation of both Japanese people in ManChu and KangdoGun. Moreover he himself had personal contact with Japanese cabinet members. In fact he served as an independent commander of Chinese army in Northeastern and the highest offical there. He was the only person who hold the responsibility for those DongBei army. I don't think Jiang could control him or force him to do anything against his interest(Even guy like Han fuju could ignore Jiang's command). Fight or retreat, I tend to think could be totally decided by himself. For so long a time, he has no excuse for not make any plan for emergent situations.Moreover he did choose quit multiple times in front of Japanese army's attack. One speculation would be Zhang might like to go deplomatic channel to solve the conflict(like bribing Japanese primier).

              Well, here I am not trying to defense for Jiang. Simply make some explanations based those well accepted facts. I believe it is almost unlikely to solve the Sino-Japan problem through abortion of those treaties at that time. Thank you for your kindly reponse.

              • 家园 你不是想为蒋开脱回这个贴子干什么?


                • 家园 回这个贴子干什么

                  Well, what I would like to explain is he gained time for war preparation, got his chance, and won the war finally, even though people might say Jiang's army didn't defeat Japanese army at all-He simply made a correct choice in the complicated situation. However, all Chinese anywhere are in fact enjoying the benefits achieved through the efforts paid by them, Jiang, his generals, and those armies, no matter how ugly they might be in most of current Chinese people's mind. Sorry for bothering you by replying that message. Thanks!

                  • 家园 如果这样的话,你有必要把你对蒋和张的逻辑梳理一致



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      • 家园 企图用把蒋打扮成国党反抗TG暴力英雄的绕不开这样一个事实





        • 家园 各打50大板






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            • 家园 那个叫左倾盲动



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