
主题:【原创】闲话1 -- 井底望天

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      • 家园 这一篇必须宝推 LOL
      • 家园 let me explain for all quest

        questions below. In case you do not understand his nice article.




        --the essence is new digital money printing. But it is slightly different from traditional FOMC rate cut: that move only impacts short-term inter-bank rate by buying treasury notes. QE impacts mainly LONG-term interest rates for all kinds of transactions.


        --Short term treasury notes have better liquidity, but lower return rates. Mid-east money and China money shifted to the short-maturity end during crisis years so that they will have BETTER bargaining power against the U.S. gov.: in banking, that's called renegotiation option. Banks usually lend shorter when they do not trust one corporation.

        Here many foreign gov. are bankers now. During early 2000s, many central banks buy long-term gov. bonds, they learned tough lessons and also distorted U.S. mortgage market (Fed reserve lost control over long-term treasury notes and their interest rates, resulting in a flat yield curve. Many banks did stupid things in 2005-2006).



        --No, that's a strategic choice by China. China is sacrificing returns for better political bargaining.


        --Fed did the same thing before in 1930s. Nothing new.



        --Fed is using its unaudited balance sheet to boast up the whole US housing market. But I do not think it will be successful unless there is a global inflation forthcoming.

        就是印钱给两房,让他们有钱借给大家买房子。--will create profit incentive for Fannie and Freddie to refinance for some homeowners.


        --Currently, if America wants to see recovery in these two markets, it need a -5% effective interest rate. I guess everyone here can figure out how to achieve that rate. Ben is silently implementing this policy now.





        --hehe. I expect to see more spending on infrastructure. Of course, your speculation also make sense since public employee unions are quite powerful...


        --New money from monetary policy will become deposit into banks and then deposit back into Fed reserve. Therefore, Fed QE is totally useless along the monetary policy option.


        --yes! That's why gov. might be more effective in stimulating REAL ECONOMY, OR MAIN street.


        --just deja vu of 1970s. Germany adjusted through exchange rate hike without domestic cost of inflation. 1970's Europe is exactly like today's China: under the fixed rate Bretton Woods system, with lots of trade surplus against the U.S. China refuses to adjust exchange rate, but, by depressing domestic credit growth (its policy mainly targets on monetary multiplier, NOT base money), economic growth and domestic labor cost (worse economy, no bargaining power by labor to increase salary). Therefore, a stabler fixed rate exchange system can be maintained.

        Here, China is betting that it will not see a major downturn in its own economy and it has effective capital flow regulation (controlled hot money inflow) and a much bigger "belly"(at least larger than German's) so that Fed Reserve can not really achieve its objective.

        Then medium-sized nations are to suffer... That's the power of G2...

      • 家园 the same trick

        was used by Nixon administration in its fight against Europe and Japan.

        Germans were in China's shoe in early 1970, exactly the same problem. And Germany finally allowed its Mark to appreciate and USD established itself as the new global reserve currency.

        • 家园 马克一直是可自由兑换货币


          • 家园 you need to read the history

            before 1970.

            Under Brettonwoods System, no currency could be exchanged freely, without limit. There were capital control in all European nations. If one travels to States and needs USD, there was a exchange quota for each European traveler.

            I asked some old Europeans when I was in Europe several years ago.

      • 家园 必须警惕地方政府与国际资金里应外合




      • 家园 没错,美国印钞票制造中国通胀。美国最新的通胀率很低的
      • 家园 作者获得通宝一枚。



      • 家园 我们可以注意到



        • 家园 on 货币宽松能够使美国洗劫全球,从而解决美国普通居民的


          I do not think the second objective is the priority in the US. Actually the income disparity in the US became worse after 1970, after Fed decided to pursue inflation-oriented policy to improve America's international debt position.


          --China's reaction is correct: China's bet that it can contain domestic credit growth to net off America's inflationary hit. China's bet: wait to see who is the first to fall.

          • 家园 用英文挺好的,正好给我们学习的机会嘛





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