
主题:【原创】闲话1 -- 井底望天

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            • 家园 you're a man with great



              Yes! But not with narrow-minded people at the top who can only speak Han Chinese.

              China is a nation with many minorities. One of the reasons why Han people can not control Tibet/Xinjiang effectively is because the Han elites look down upon other minority culture and languages and refuse to learn those "non-Chinese" language.

              Without language skill, how can you understand local culture?

              Without cultural knowledge, how can you rule that region peacefully?

              Without conquering people's mind, how can you really conquer that land???

              When the British empire ruled the world, it had talents specializing in all kinds of languages. During WWI, it easily defeated Turks in the middle-east just with one Briton, the famous Lawrence of the Arabic. That guy spoke fluent Arabic and was an expert in mid-east civilization. He was trained at either Oxford or Cambridge.

              When it comes to empire-building, China is just a humble pupil. Be patient and learn from the British empire. There is a lot of stuff to learn over time.

              • 家园 这篇不能完全同意

                When it comes to empire-building, China is just a humble pupil.

                说中国是个humble pupil未免过来。在empire building上,中国与西方的道不同而已。看看班超、陈汤们在西域的经营,其功业惠及千年之后的中国,恐非劳伦斯可比。Chinese exmpire的成功远超世界上任何一个帝国,因为她生存到今天,并将继续生存下去。

              • 家园 我不完全同意你的观点。





                • 家园 因为中国有一个特殊学英语的利益集团






                  • 家园 感同身受


                  • 家园 我帖子的这句话就是你说的意思。




              • 家园 花这一句

                Without conquering people's mind, how can you really conquer that land???



              • 家园 最高领导人不一定要会其他语言吧



                • 家园 but Zhou and Deng

                  lived outside China before and really had idea about the outside world

                  One or two leaders (e.g., Mao) can have no language skill or foreign experience, but in your LEADERSHIP group, you must have team members who are sophisticated on foreign language and culture. As China expands its sphere of influence, top leaders have to understand that their moves will have global impact later.

                  These two, Zhou and Deng, played important roles in contemporary China's history: one neutralized some negative impact of Mao and the other opened up china again so that you can enjoy the much improved life in China or outside China.

                  BTW, back in Europe, Zhou was well-known in his circle as a very image-conscious person. He dressed well with many girls chasing after him. He definitely still kept that "French" influence in his later life, though he depressed it to fit in with his peasant communist colleagues.

                  To be frank, when he really dressed up again as China's PM during all those important diplomatic meetings, he shined again among both Asian and Europeans. I have to say that he is really a very presentable Chinese man, in terms of fashion, personal hygiene, gesture, appearance and gentlemanhood. Today's Chinese leadership has a long way to catch up.

                  During the Geneva conference, Zhou successfully presented China's Liang Shan Bo & Zhu Ying Tia to foreigners and resold the show as China's "Romeo and Juliet"... That kind of social skill is learned from your foreign language/culture study in the past.

                  Deng, when he visited the U.S. in 1979, kissed the American kids who presented a show to the Sino-American leaders. That political "showmanship" really capture the hearts of American mothers and caused a small sensation when the picture was later published in the Time magazine-- Deng presented himself well as a personable senior leader who really cares and loves kids--not that kind of stereotyped image as a rigid, cold-hearted, blood-thirsty communist killer popular in the western media.

                  He clearly learned that from American politicians, but he DID NOT DO THAT at home with Chinese kids.

                  As I said many times before on this forum, language skill opens up one's mind. With language skill, it also comes the cultural knowledge, and more acceptance by both the minorities inside China as well as foreigners outside China.

                  For a nation destined to rule the world, being narrow-minded and inertia to other people's language and culture can transform small issues into trouble as well as possible political events.

                  Look at this American empire, you can see narrow-minded Americans did a much worse job compared with their British cousins.

          • 家园 老兄在河里多年,怎么也该改写中文了。





            • 家园 山不就默罕默德,默罕默德便就山。

              山不就默罕默德,默罕默德便就山。 谁掌握知识谁就是山。 他这份坚持是让人不舒服。不过他的行为不是故意捣乱,而有他自己的道理和准则。这主在某些方面,不是改造自己适应社会的主,而是个用自己意识影响社会的主。

              要么用规则逼铁手赶人(不智且不太可行)。要么体会他的意图,委屈自己以获得信息(不舒服,有好处)。 世界总是不会让人太舒服的。

          • 家园 银监会的主席将更换,新主席可能是郭树清。思路和刘相左。
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