
主题:del -- MRandson

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      家园 国有资产的变卖,上次是向外国投行低价倾销


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      家园 德法可能弃希保西葡.
      • 家园 放弃希腊以后,保卫西葡的成本太高



        • 家园 目前德国发出的信号还是一点点添油



          • 家园 目前为止希腊没拿出什么有价值的东西




            • 家园 欧元区破裂是底线,只要不破裂--market

              is beyond politician's control.

              1930s Great Depression was actually started by a leftist French prime minister. He just wanted to penalize Germany a bit, but what he got was the global 2nd-stage dip.

              Central bankers assume they can play God, hehe. Americans tried once in 1929 and pretty much screwed themselves. Let's wait to see how good Trichet is in his job.

            • 家园 老太婆毕竟是东德人


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      家园 disagreement on one issue


      --Europe is better than Japan, but I am not sure about whether it is better than US. Do you have any data to support that unsupported conclusions?

      Let me show some OECD 2008 below (percentage of GDP):

      1. Italy--114.4% (big cheater through GS deal, unreliable too)

      2. Greece-102.5% (totally a lie, unreliable at all)

      3. Belgium-93.5%

      France: 75.7%

      Portugal: 75.2%

      *Euro zone: 73.2%

      US: 70.0%

      Canada: 69.7%

      *Germany: 68.8%

      Austria: 66.2%

      UK: 56.8%

      Of course, 2009 deficit should be added. Currently I do not have data by the end of 2009.

      You received rigorous Ph.D. training in Britain. I have to say that this post is too loose. But I really like your posts for your insights.



      BTW, Europe is dead for sure. ECB shall finally compromise its principle and started to lend to PIGs banks next week. Thus market shall stablize a bit next week.

      But in the long run, Euroland will be broken into pieces--that is the final objective of American elites and they will not let Europe slip this time.

      Germans will pay price for their short-sightedness.

      • 家园 欧洲央行放弃原则援助PIGS的远期后果是什么?


      • 家园 美国的数据没有包括两房数据吧
        • 家园 OECD must have the same

          definition across nations for COMPARISON, therefore, I think Fannie/Freddie are not there. State sponsorship of home ownership is an North American idea.

          BTW, Canada also has similar arrangement, it is called CMHC. If you combine CMHC's balance sheet with that of Canadian gov., you can conclude that Canada is the most dangerous nation on the earth in terms of sovereign credit risk.

          But it does not make sense.

          Fannie/Freddie liabilities have not turn sour all(most are prime 30-year fixed). Actually the most recent 10-year treasury note rate collapse (from 4% to 3.4%) will rescue a big chunk of mortgages and relieve the Fannie/Freddie losses.

          European crisis turns out to be America's honeymoon. Previously, I am still concerned at the 2010-mid-year pay-option ARM hit, now it seems a non-event.

          • 家园 2010-mid-year pay-option ARM


            • 家园 10-year rate collapsed to3.4

              reset's hit is weakened.

              But wait to see 2011. There should be two peaks, summer 2010 and summer 2011. US is not completely out of woods.

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