
主题:德州警察闯入中国大使馆 -- 多数

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        • 家园 补充和修正



          1.“那三个笨蛋警察竟然被停职”不严谨,他们是被停了“平常的”职,不许出去巡逻了,而是在警察局里呆着---“been placed on desk duty”;

          2.“休斯顿警察局长竟然出来道歉”也不对,他还没道歉呢。此事件还在调查中,按照惯例也不该现在道歉。他只是出来要求所有警察都要牢记各领馆的地址。并向各领馆示好:“We cherish our international residents and want to assure them they are welcome in our city”



          1.美国政府发言人称会“非常严肃的对待此事并适时向中国通报调查的进展”--“taking the matter very seriously and findings of the investigation would be shared with China "as soon as appropriate"”

          2.关于不停车,美国一个网友的评论:“diplomats may not stop for a reason. he may carried classified documents and it is his duty for not stopping. ”--外交人员有理由不停车:他可能带有相关文件,(因此)不停车是他的责任。



          No matter what Yu did, he was arrested on the property of Chinese consulate. That's absolutely wrong. It is recognized as foreign soil, not US soil. What HPD did is inexcusable. How would you feel if Chinese police entered US consulate in China and arrested a US diplomat?

          Between this and the recent beating, it appears that HPD is full of idiots.

          Cat, diplomatic immunity is a very important principle, and protects *our* foreign diplomats from being prosecuted by laws they are not fully familiar with. I'd hate to see one of our diplomats arrested and flogged for chewing gum (a crime in some countries where we have a diplomatic presence) just because they weren't aware it was illegal.

          Cat: If China did this to an American diplomat at an American consul, you'd be crying for blood.

          本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
          • 家园 看这事弄的!



          • 家园 再次修正(这次可不能全怪俺)


            Yu complicated matters by not slowing down and instead heading to the consulate, apparently not having to dodge any Falun Gong protesters on Montrose.


            According to Wang, the diplomat, Yu Boren, stopped his car when approached by a police officer.

            “He waited in his car for some time, there was no move by the policeman and he thought that it was OK for him to drive along,” Wang said. “He proceeded to drive through into the garage.”

            Asked to Retreat

            After getting to the garage, Wang said, Yu identified himself as deputy consulate general and “asked the policeman to retreat from the Chinese property,” Wang said. The policeman ignored the request, Wang said.

            The officer called for reinforcement and “a group of policemen joined in treating Mr. Yu Boren and his wife violently,” Wang said.



            本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
            • 家园 轮子们不会周末晚上还加班的.


              • 家园 可这么一来,郁领事几乎没错了



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