
主题:Collateral Murder -- 唵啊吽

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  • 家园 Collateral Murder

    Collateral Murder

    5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.

    Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.


    short version


    full version

    • 家园 说真的,他们很想杀人。


    • 家园 The US Army are too nervous

      They would clean all the possible suspects.Some times I just smile when some guys said we Chinese people haven't belief now. We are much better than these soldiers because they just work for money.They haven't friends in Iraq and are weak in heart .Too many explorions and death makes them prissy.

      • 家园 They killed the journalist

        because they considered the camera the journalist carried was a AK47

        • 家园 Frankly speaking,

          based on the video, a guy really looks like carrying a gun, eg. full version, 2:38, 2:44. He also moved suspiciously. But the US army definitely overacted. In order to disable the van the US pilot even killed that wounded guy who couldn't shoot any one.

    • 家园 Reuters

      Now it was the right time to throw these materials out to demonstrate how cruel the uncle Sam has done in Iraq.

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