
主题:【求助】我家贝贝好可怜,出生才8天就生了尿布疹 -- 平方°

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        • 家园 Much more frequent than that

          Whether the diaper is wet/dirty or not, replace it no more than 2 hours.

          • 家园 不带这么浪费的,不过还是很好的经验
            • 家园 waste

              I don't think it is wastful. I actually replace it less than 2 hours. Anyway, it is up to you.

              I would like to recommend two diaper rash cream for you. My pediatrician recommended to me. I tried and found them really good. One is A+D Original Ointment. It contains some artificial fregrance, which I don't like, but luckily my baby is not alergic to it at all. The second is A+D Original ZnO2 Cream. It contains Zinc Dioxide. I prefer the first because the second makes my baby's butt dry like a piece of paper. But since your child already has diaper rash, the second might be better for you.

              Good luck.

        • 家园 打屁股


          父母在身边吗?让父母来 或者找个年龄大点的阿姨.


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