
主题:【文摘】中国10次拒绝英国交涉 明日将处死英国毒贩 -- 真理

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    • 家园 在新年来临之前把他给处决了。。就差两天,太邪恶了





      Jake Blair wrote:

      Well done China, do the crime - do the time. If he has no history of mental illness, then why does it come to light because he was caught smuggling A class drugs in a muslim community. UK hasnt the balls to deal with these issues, thats why we have rampant junkies stealing from your grans, and ruining family units/communitys at the same time.December 29, 2009 1:19 PM GMT on community.timesonline.co.uk Recommend? (352)


      Dirk Bruere wrote:

      The days of telling China what to do are over.

      December 29, 2009 1:24 PM GMT on community.timesonline.co.uk Recommend? (216)


      Max Galaxy wrote:

      This is comment from the Independent reader, which is intelligent and says all...

      "I wouldn't call the Chinese savages. It's a bit of a strong word. One thing I respect them for is that they apply their laws evenly and consistently no matter who breaks them. Their laws may seem barbaric to the wet-liberals here in the UK because of how WE'VE watered down our laws. It's not just China who impose the death sentence on drug smuggling you know. Most of Asia impose it, so does the Middle East. You gonna convince all them to scrap the death sentence when the authorities there know much of the global drug trade passes through their provences?

      Also, it looks like a lot of people here simply do not understand how the Asian mind works over there. The Chinese HAD no option but to pass and carry out the death sentence and resist pressure from the west. To do so otherwise would incurred the "loss of face" syndrome and showing weakness to the west. Politically, that would not be acceptable due to the amount of international publicity it received and it would have opened up a nasty legal loophole in the Chinese justice system.

      If the newspapers hadn't reported it so much and our government jumping up and down over it, the poor sap may have stood a chance of getting his sentence commuted to life after discussions and a payment of some kind between his family & the Chinese authorities to buy his life.

      It all failed because people tried to apply Western logic to Eastern culture. Now that it's been carried out, the it's all moot and that's all I'm saying on the subject.

      BTW, Here in the UK our laws are all over the place, full of loopholes and are never consistent when applied to the same crime by different people. Generations of meddlesome governments and weak-willed judges have seen to that and I don't have any respect for the UK legal system due to that."

      December 29, 2009 1:57 PM GMT on community.timesonline.co.uk Recommend? (201)


      Bill McCann wrote:

      Brown condemned it because he was ignored of course.

      December 29, 2009 1:14 PM GMT on community.timesonline.co.uk Recommend? (199)


      sutter kane wrote:

      why doesnt "Great Britain" get its own affairs in order before commenting on another countrys judicial system......especially a british justice system so farcical that its almost a pantomime.Oh and as Dirk says,the days of China having to listen to Britain are long gone.Its like swatting a pesky mosquito.
      December 29, 2009 1:35 PM GMT on community.timesonline.co.uk Recommend? (200)


      Phil Mann wrote:

      Tough justice. We need a bit of the same over here.

      December 29, 2009 1:53 PM GMT on community.timesonline.co.uk Recommend? (168)


      • 家园 英国每日邮报部分网友的反应



      • 家园 一句都没看懂,麻烦问一下什么意思
        • 家园 就是在英国的这个论坛留言里,这几个是被推荐最多的留言

          (大意):就是夸中国处决这个毒贩子干的好呗。并且嘲笑布朗谴责中国是因为中国不甩他呗。 还有一些头脑比较清醒的认识到,说:英国对中国指手划脚,告诉中国该如何做的日子已经不再了。


      • 家园 切,啥新年!



        • 家园 按传统是秋后问斩



        • 家园 北京时间早上10:30处决的
        • 家园 我是指是元旦啦:p 我刚刚看了BBC新闻,没啥花头,讲了







      • 家园 英国人为一个毒贩叫屈,实在是选错了点。


        We should have the death penalty here in the UK.

        Pity that the UK does not have the resolve to hold a referendum on the death penalty, i bet it would get massive support.

        The death sentence not just for Drug runners and dealers, but for murders etc...

        Clearly the Chinese care far more about their young people and other innocent people - they show themselves to be a more civilised society than Britain and it's community of tired out leftie softies.

        Shame this Government in this country doesn't care about it's people in the same way.

        Labour seem to let anyone in and do what they like, and get away with it.

        Well done china..



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