
主题:【原创】打下子爵号―空军闯大祸! -- 过去事情

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          • 家园 【时代杂志】

            没有找到好点的连接, 先找到的就几句话, 没劲, 不好拿来显臭.

            这里转个全部过程, 美国时代杂志亚洲版:

            Hainan―the Prequel

            This isn't the first time the island has been the center of conflict between the U.S. and China

            BY ANTHONY PAUL

            U.S. Air Force.

            A U.S. Navy amphibian heads towards a dinghy carrying survivors of the Chinese attack.

            Monday, Apr. 09, 2001

            In the summer of 1954, air-crew briefing rooms at Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport were abuzz with reports of construction at an air base near Sanya, a town at the southern tip of China's Hainan island. To date, the runway had been all bitumen, a surface suited to propeller aircraft but given to melting if hit by jet exhausts. Suddenly, concrete sections appeared at each end. Pilots flying along aviation routes past Hainan could see new, jet-fighter-sized dispersal bays under construction. One Cathay Pacific Airways pilot suggested to a Hong Kong official that, in view of the apparent defense buildup, flight routes should be shifted farther from China's coast. Nothing was done.

            A couple of weeks later, Cathay Pacific had reason to regret the inaction. On July 23, one of its passenger aircraft, a DC-4 Skymaster en route from Bangkok to Hong Kong, became the centerpiece of a three-day imbroglio that U.S. Navy historians later labeled the Hainan Incident. The death toll was higher than last week's affair: four of the DC-4's 12 passengers and crew died. And the U.S. reaction was considerably less muted.

            That morning the Cathay airliner was at 2,700 m in clear sky, some 30 km off Hainan's east coast. At about 8:40 a.m., two Chinese fighters suddenly appeared. The aircraft were later identified as Lavochkin LA-7s, Soviet-built prop-driven fighters. For no apparent reason, the planes opened machine-gun and cannon fire. The DC-4's captain Philip Blown tried evasive action, hurling the DC-4 into a steep dive. But the airliner kept taking hits. Syd's Pirates: A Story of an Airline (Durnmount, 1983), by retired Cathay senior captain Charles "Chic" Eather, documents the attack. Eather, now 81 and living on Australia's Gold Coast, recalls that despite Blown's outstanding airmanship, there was no way to evade the Chinese attackers.

            Machine-gun fire raked down the passenger aisle and into the cockpit, wrecking part of the instrument panel. Bullets tore into the back of the plane's engineer as he tried to help the two pilots get the shuddering plane under control; he died on the spot. Another blast killed a stewardess. Barely two minutes after the attack began, Blown wrestled the burning DC-4 onto the ocean surface. Miraculously, a dinghy appeared among the debris. Nine survivors struggled aboard. As rescue planes alerted by Blown's Mayday message began gathering, the Chinese government warned colonial Hong Kong's British administration that no military aircraft were to approach the accident scene. The message was acknowledged but ignored. That afternoon a U.S. Navy Albatross amphibian from Clark Field in the Philippines landed beside the raft and flew the survivors to Hong Kong.

            Visibly angered by the Chinese attack on an unarmed civilian airliner, the commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Felix Stump, told a news conference he had instructed his search mission to be quick on the trigger. Three days after the DC-4 downing, U.S. Skyraiders patrolling near Hainan shot out of the sky two LA-7s that showed signs of hostile behavior. Radio Beijing announced that two American fighters had made piratical attacks on two Polish merchant ships and one Chinese escort vessel, but failed to mention the LA-7s.

            And one other Chinese puzzle: Beijing never apologized, never explained. Nevertheless, the airline sent the Chinese government a bill for 251,400. Thirteen months after the incident, Beijing paid it in full.

            • 家园 有趣,这背后肯定有许多故事..


              • 家园 这次跟你感觉一样。





    • 家园 这是真的

      不过时间不对, 而是夏天. 1954年7月23日击落国泰航空公司的DC-4客机. 而在7月26日美国海军Douglas A-1 Skyraider在同一区域击落2架中国战斗机, Douglas Skyraider也是螺旋桨战斗机, 而不是F86, 为什么说F86就不知道了.



      航母上的 A-1H


      1,机上的人没有全死, 死了10个, 还有8个人拣了命回来;

      2,我方攻击的也是拉-9(另一说是拉-7), 不是米格-15;


      4,不是是8对2的群殴,而是3:2, 2架Skyraiders和1架 Corsair

      1955年底赔款 $251,400美元给国泰航空


      • 家园 还有

        News of the vicious attack spread to Westminster to Washington D.C. The United States denounced the "brutal" attack and almost at once on July 26,1954,two American Skyraiders and a Corsair from the Aircraft carriers Philippine Sea and Hornet,part of task force 70 shot down two Chinese fighters off the China coast ,Admiral Stump, the Commander-in Chief of the US Pacific Fleet having warned everybody that the crews of his ships and aircraft had orders to be "quick on the trigger" if rescue efforts were hampered in anyway. In London,Mr Anthony Eden told the House of Commons, of the "brutal" and "savage" attack. Opposition Leader, Mr Clement Attlee, who was embarrassingly was to visit China the following month, repeated that it was "absolutely inexcusable". However ,the heat was taken off the situation somewhat by prompt expressions of regret from Peking's Chang Han-fun,vice minister of foreign affairs, to the British Charge d'Affaires Humphery Trevelyan after Trevelyan had sent a strong letter of protest

        • 还有
          家园 还有


          22 July 1954 A Cathay Pacific Airlines DC-4 on a flight from Bangkok Thailand to Hong Kong, was shot down by Chinese La-9 fighters near Hainan island, China. Of the 18 people on board (including 6 Americans), 10 were killed and 8 survived.

          26 July 1954 Two US Navy AD-4 Skyraiders from VF-54, piloted by William Alexander and John Zarious,were launched from the USS Phillipine Sea (CVA 47) to look for survivors from the Cathay Pacific DC-4 shot down four days previously. They were attacked by two Chinese La-7s. A number of other VF-54 AD-4s and a F4U-5N of VC-3 came to the aid of the USN aircraft. One La-7 was shot down by AD-4 pilots Roy Tatham and Richard Cooks. The other LA-7 was shot down by AD-4 pilots John Damien, John Rochford, Paul Wahlstrom and Richard Ribble and the F4U-5N pilot Edgar Salsig. A Chinese gunboat also fired upon the US aircraft, but no damage was sustained.

      • 家园 抱歉


        1,机上的人没有全死, 死了4个, 还有8个人拣了命回来;

        2,我方攻击的也是拉-9(另一说是拉-7), 不是米格-15;



      • 家园 大硷元?





        俭50 年前,1954年7月23日上午10?r左右,一架香港注?缘???泰航空(CPA)“空中霸王”型客机由新加坡起秣??曼谷秣香港,在海南?u以南空中走廊10里上空遭到?娜???基地起秣的三架(一真?杉埽┲???米格15型?鸹?如??雨般的?A攻射?簟S⒓?机樘撅急办出求救信??后降落海面,事件造成3名乘客(包括一名香港空服?T)死亡,其余十多名(3名新加坡乘客)分?e?橛⒚揽哲?救起,送往菲律馘美??基地和香港狒院。























        4/9/2001 2:03:00 AM

        • 家园 :)

          In July 1954 a Cathay Pacific DC-4 was shot down by Chinese La-9 fighters near Hainan. Of those aboard, 10 were killed, and 8 survived.

          大纪元的东东多半不可信, 因为和轮子沾边.

    • 家园 不奇怪,还有向一个友好国家的元首座机开炮的高射炮兵呢!


    • 家园 不会吧。飞行员再没经验,民航机和战斗机还是能分清的吧。。
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