
主题:【原创】西医,连这么小的病都治不好,请不要再攻击中医 -- 加东

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                        • 家园 我看到的第一篇就是个“假说”

                          A novel hypothesis is presented here .......................

                          你确定你看到的不是"novel hypothesis"而是已经得到承认的,"关于针灸有两点已比较清楚"的成果?

                  • 家园 人家信口一说



                    • 家园 这只能算是初级的研究



                    • 家园 科学精神中的基本一点是质疑 -- 看来我不够科学啊

                      i'm too naive——不过这年头打着科学的旗号反科学的还真不少

            • 家园 Some thoughts

              This is my first post here. Just provide some thoughts that may be useful for you.



              Science itself is not absolute. It is often that some scientific conclusions turned out to be wrong, or at least need to be corrected. Therefore, if you cannot understand traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), either TCM does not make sense or you are not ready to understand it, or both.

              I probably can ask you similar things like you did, "so we cannot question scientific studies?" No offense. As you said, 科学精神中的基本一点是质疑. It does not isolate science from other approaches for understanding the universe. I would say personal experience is important for us, probably complementary to science because science has its own limitations.

              I have my own opinions about those questions you asked. Most of them cannot be explained by autopsy, which is the basis of the modern medicine. But if you think only what you see is true, then you cannot understand it. Remember that what the human eye can see is within a very narrow band of electromagnetic waves. Lots of things we do not know.


              I agree that we should do some things to test herbal medicine. If you read some TCM books, you probably know that herbal medicine does have theories. Those theories helped people recognize and prepare herbal medicines. It is difficult to perform randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to test those medicines due to limitations of the RCT methodology. We probably need to figure out a better way to show the effectiveness of herbal medicine scientifically. When that day comes, TCM can talk to modern medicine directly.

              By the way, 机理,毒性,有效性,适应症等等等等 for most medicines are not very clear to me, too. Herbal medicines probably are better because we have experience using them in a much longer term. What we need to do is to summarize our experience in past years and use them smartly nowadays.

              • 家园 实践出真知,少卖弄理论!





      • 家园 人才的确是个问题


    • 家园 现在加国中医挺红火


    • 家园 支持中医!
    • 家园 +1


      我只能说,尺有所短 寸有所长。一概打倒不是科学的态度。

    • 家园 这篇文章包括标题都似曾相识啊.
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