
主题:为什么说美元贬值是赖帐? -- hwd99

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      • 家园 天时啊,人类社会转型的机会比什么科技进步都大







      • 家园 先有蛋还是先有鸡,这是个问题.



    • 家园 不要信口开河,美国自1983年来通货膨胀率没有达到过5%



      Percent change from preceding period,下载一个excel文件,其中包括从1929年以来各年名义GDP的变化率和实际GDP的变化率,前者减去后者就等于物价变动的幅度,即通货膨胀率。你会看到,通胀率最高的是1947年的10.7%,最低的是1932年的-10.2%。没有任何一年达到过15%。1970年代中至1980年代初,有过一段高通胀期,一直在6%以上。当时美国人就受不了了,通胀成了最严重的社会问题,然后Volcker上台作美联储主席,强力提高利率压下了通胀。从1983年开始,直到2008年,通胀率再没有达到5%,最高4.2%,最低1.1%。


      • 家园 数据来源附后



        The following table provides all the Inflation data from 1914 to the Present. For the current inflation rate data just since the year 2000, see Inflation page. The Inflation rate is calculated from the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) which is compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and is based upon a 1982 Base of 100. To view the actual Consumer Price Index data that this inflation data is calculated from, go to the Historical CPI table.

        A CPI of 195 indicates 95% inflation since 1982, the commonly quoted inflation rate of say 3% is actually the change in the Consumer Price Index from a year earlier. To find Prior Inflation rate data on this table (back through 1914) click on the date range below the table.

        The "Ave" on this table is the Average of the individual Inflation rates for that year. Caution, you can not just add the inflation rates from two consecutive years or even average them to find the total inflation between two dates. If you would like to calculate the inflation rate between two dates you must base your calculations on the actual CPI index or you can use our handy easy to use Inflation calculator or you might prefer to use our Cost of Living Calculator to compare the costs in two cities.

        You can find links to Inflation and Consumer Price Index data for other countries HERE. A chart of Inflation by decade, Annual Inflation and Confederate Inflation is also available. Menu navigation is available on the menu bar on the left of every page. We have a complete listing of all of our Articles on inflation, including Inflation Definitions, Which is better High or Low Inflation, and How to Calculate Inflation , Inflation Adjusted Oil Prices (Chart) and Inflation Adjusted Oil Prices (table) and a Monthly Inflation Rate Table .

        You might also be interested in the wide variety of articles on our sister site Financial Trend Forecaster like the article on Finding the right Mortgage, Developing a Millionaire Mind, a complete list of the articles on Financial Trend Forecaster is at the FTF Article Archives.

        Blank Cells = Data not available because it has not been released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


        1985 3.53% 3.52% 3.70% 3.69% 3.77% 3.76% 3.55% 3.35% 3.14% 3.23% 3.51% 3.80% 3.55%

        1984 4.19% 4.60% 4.80% 4.56% 4.23% 4.22% 4.20% 4.29% 4.27% 4.26% 4.05% 3.95% 4.30%

        1983 3.71% 3.49% 3.60% 3.90% 3.55% 2.58% 2.46% 2.56% 2.86% 2.85% 3.27% 3.79% 3.22%

        1982 8.39% 7.62% 6.78% 6.51% 6.68% 7.06% 6.44% 5.85% 5.04% 5.14% 4.59% 3.83% 6.16%

        1981 11.83% 11.41% 10.49% 10.00% 9.78% 9.55% 10.76% 10.80% 10.95% 10.14% 9.59% 8.92% 10.35%

        1980 13.91% 14.18% 14.76% 14.73% 14.41% 14.38% 13.13% 12.87% 12.60% 12.77% 12.65% 12.52% 13.58%

        1979 9.28% 9.86% 10.09% 10.49% 10.85% 10.89% 11.26% 11.82% 12.18% 12.07% 12.61% 13.29% 11.22%

        1978 6.84% 6.43% 6.55% 6.50% 6.97% 7.41% 7.70% 7.84% 8.31% 8.93% 8.89% 9.02% 7.62%

        1977 5.22% 5.91% 6.44% 6.95% 6.73% 6.87% 6.83% 6.62% 6.60% 6.39% 6.72% 6.70% 6.50%

        1976 6.72% 6.29% 6.07% 6.05% 6.20% 5.97% 5.35% 5.71% 5.49% 5.46% 4.88% 4.86% 5.75%

        1975 11.80% 11.23% 10.25% 10.21% 9.47% 9.39% 9.72% 8.60% 7.91% 7.44% 7.38% 6.94% 9.20%

        1974 9.39% 10.02% 10.39% 10.09% 10.71% 10.86% 11.51% 10.86% 11.95% 12.06% 12.20% 12.34% 11.03%

        Jump to a Specific Date Range

        1914-1924 1925-1936 1937-1948 1949-1960 1961-1972 1973-1984 1985-1996 1997-2008

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