
主题:温总讲话,华尔街日报的重头报导 -- dfindy

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      • 家园 花,翻译辛苦啦。
      • 家园 老印很可恶啊

        里面last name 像是老印的发言都是


      • 家园 世界上的愤青逻辑都是差不多的,只是输入值不一样



      • 家园 不是他们装傻,而是他们真傻


        Don't argue with idoits. It is only to degrade yourself. And idoits can beat you with their experience.

      • 家园 这就是美国愤青吧,希望不要和独裁国家做生意



        We should never have been doing business with a communist regime in the first place. All of the economic theorists assume everyone is playing by the same rules. China is a psuedo-western economic dictatorship (you can bet the Chinese will not be reading this post in China). They have only been interested in our type system to keep their peasants employed so they can stay in power. Now that a bubble burst (which is part of the cycle and how we learn and improve our system) and a downturn doesn't meet their objectives, they will likely turn militaristic and further a militaristic foreign policy to keep their subjects happy. China's gov't views the US as THE primary threat to their existence. I am not interested in hearing from those with Bush Deranged Syndrome about how the US has been doing that for years because it only shows further evidence of those that foolishly believe there is moral equivalency between freedom and dictatorships. Let hope Obama doesn't apologize to the Chinese.

        The US needs to get extracted economically from dictatorships world-wide, starting with China. There are enough democratically elected govts world wide to support free trade. It should also be a requirement to have a seat at the table and partake of our economies. In this last election the biggest issue is going to be foreign policy. How well the US can identify threats will determine how well we can position to respond to them. Good luck to the new administration in trying to charm our adversaries into seeing things our way. I wish them the best of luck but I am afraid the US is being incredibly naive. This will not be the last that we hear from the Chinese。

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