
主题:【半原创】对考虑离开西西河的大人们说的话 -- 南方有嘉木

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              • 家园 他说的是我原先在帖子最下面的一小段话,那本来就是引用


                不过,这个ID也的确蛮是高人的,(注册:2006-07-20 ), 一个主贴也没有,跟贴也寥寥无几。。。却的冷不防跑出来“尖锐的指出”俺在~做秀





                • 家园 心底有一个声音,想对你说,不要回他贴子,不要回

                  可是最后还是一贴一贴的看到了, 于是心里越难受,便越看见这个无聊的贴子被一下下的回了下去.

                  感觉河里许多吵架都是这样, 你不认同,就不要理他好了, 你回他一贴,我心里就替你难受一下,只看到第四页末,不想再看了, 只是想告诉妹妹, 遇到这种争议大的贴子, 争议大的人,最好莫再理他,这样你也难受, 关心你贴子,看你贴子的人也难受.

                  莫生气,生气的时候,努力不看回复, 也不招惹他们,徒徒让自己难过,希望妹妹不要认为我多话.

                  • 家园 不,我哪会认为你多话呢, 反而看了很感动。。。






            • 家园 你太谦虚了。。。
              • 家园 我不是谦虚,是比较有自知之明
                • 家园 您太有自知之明了。。。 马甲六

                  既然您英语那么好。。。高人,那欢迎你来用标准英语写一段对LZ的贴和问题的讨论啊。。。我们学习一下。。。您实在不愿意秀你的英文的话, 中文的也行。

                  • 家园 不敢,把你删的那段贴回来,本少爷给你改改错
                    • 家园 本来对你这种ID我根本不屑一顾, 看你如此狂妄自大,那


                      Today’s market is characterised by intensive competition, choosing the right marketing strategy can affect the performance of ccthere.com. Effective segmentation and target marketing is required and the need to translate this into action. Target marketing and market segmentation, enables ccthere.com to focus their resources more precisely。Also deriving a greater competitive advantage and user satisfaction。


                      Obviously the above is with marketing and business in mind, if you want perfect English, try pronouncing the above with a mouth full of marbles, if that is too easy, repeat the following:

                      Awound the Wugged Wock, the Wagged Wascal wan.

                      You might be able to correct my English, try correcting your manners instead!

                      • 家园 请问这是你删掉的那一段原话吗
                        • 家园 按俺NN年前考T的英语水平,那个英语实在是。。。


                          Today’s market is characterised by intensive competition, choosing the right marketing strategy can affect the performance of ccthere.com. Effective segmentation and target marketing is required and the need to translate this into action. Target marketing and market segmentation, enables ccthere.com to focus their resources more precisely。Also deriving a greater competitive advantage and user satisfaction。


                          Effective segmentation and target marketing is required and the need to translate this into action.

                          “the need to translate this into action."和谁并列?


                          • 家园 如果你不放个“感叹号”我还不注意你的贴, 这不就是那个

                            说“北方人喜欢吃面不需要水稻养活”的ID嘛, 我对你这番话可是印象深刻啊。。。

                            For the last time, I am not an English professor and neither are you. IF I want my English corrected I will ask the advice of a NATIVE speaking person BORN IN ENGLAND AND LIVED THERE ALL THEIR LIFE. Otherwise I might as well read a book on medicine and then decide to get a job in the hospital performing operations.

                            I am NOT on this site trying to get sponsored to be the next English professor at Cambridge University, you can spot a phrase wrong in my posting, BIG DEAL!!!!! Get over yourself, and grow a prospective. I DON'T CARE IF you think you are so clever, it is NOT what you think of me, it is what I think of you, go and fall in love with yourself somewhere else, try kissing a mirror and congratulating yourself on your English, IF it makes up for some other inadequacy you have, but DONT TAKE IT OUT ON ME....GROW UP!

                            IF we post in not absolutely perfect Chinese, does that mean we should not post anything in case one person out of ten thousand, with a tiny mind and nothing better to do, might get his rocks off criticising that as well? It must be boring for you being SO perfect! Are you reading this or have you gone off to kiss the mirror yet like I told you to?

                            • 家园 你这人不光是英语有问题,汉语阅读也有问题。





                              • 家园 估计你没看明白我的回帖。



                                我是在讨论问题。。。 而你所做的不是讨论问题或提些什么有意义的建议,或者针对我理性的回帖进行相关的讨论, 而是盯着什么语法啦, 漏写一两字啦。。。

                                如果西西河里的人都象你这样, 怎么能清净呢?


                                you can spot a phrase wrong in my posting, BIG DEAL!!!!! Get over yourself, and grow a prospective. I DON'T CARE IF you think you are so clever, it is NOT what you think of me, it is what I think of you, go and fall in love with yourself somewhere else, try kissing a mirror and congratulating yourself on your English, IF it makes up for some other inadequacy you have, but DONT TAKE IT OUT ON ME....GROW UP!

                                IF we post in not absolutely perfect Chinese, does that mean we should not post anything in case one person out of ten thousand, with a tiny mind and nothing better to do, might get his rocks off criticising that as well?

                                It must be boring for you being SO perfect! Are you reading this or have you gone off to kiss the mirror yet like I told you to?

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