
主题:【求助】关于志愿军打美军空降兵的战例 -- 萨苏

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    • 家园 萨兄:看你的历史回忆,特别是对解放军的正面记述和评论


    • 家园 看样子打的更可能是第1空降游骑兵连,该连当时配属米军第二

      看样子打的更可能是第1空降游骑兵连,该连当时配属米军第二师,在萨大文中提到的作战地域,并且在5月20日左右伤亡重大,下文中家属提到被围攻和May Massacre

      1st Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne)

      1st Ranger May Massacre

      On Sun, 15 Jun 1997

      Updated 2 Jul 1999

      Chris or Jack Adkison Email address wrote:

      phone: 803 593-3749 (Jack)

      My Father and I were going through any and all documents availible for

      information on my uncle Cpl. Harold F Adkinson.

      He and my Dad were very close. My Dad has s[ent a great deal of time

      over the last few years trying to piece together what happened on that

      fateful night.

      He became missing on the night of May 19, 1951 during the May Massacre.

      His unit (1st Ranger Company (Airborn) had been surrounded by the

      Chinese near Hill 710 close to Kumagol. They were retreating in a

      "moving box" artillery barrage. It is our understanding that this was

      close to the "no name line".

      My Father has interviewed numerous friends and comrades of Harold's but

      no one is sure what happened to him. If you could gather any

      information on him or the places mentioned above we would appreciate

      your help.


      Chris and Jack Adkison

      [email protected]

      • 家园 应该不是第1空降游骑兵连

        从第1空降游骑兵连遭受重大伤亡的时间来看主要集中在5月18日和19日,战斗的地点是Hill 710,而他们的对手是志愿军三兵团。

        有一篇Villa Lew的回忆文章,作者本人在此战中被俘,摘录如下,


        HILL 710

        A major enemy attack was developing, (here we go again), and that the Chinese designed to drive the UN forces into the sea. The 3rd Chinese Army Group, consisting of 12 divisions, (120,000) men, would first break through the 5th and 7th ROK divisions. These Chinese forces would then turn west, striking the 2nd US Division. Designed to destroy the division’s communications and thus cut off its forward forces.

        The 1st Ranger Company was ordered to move forward by trucks to regain positions originally occupied by the withdrawing Dutch Battalion. It was past midnight when we moved forward into the gap, as we climbed the dark slopes we met Dutch soldiers pulling back. Their words were encouraging “If you go up that hill, you won’t be coming back.” We continued to climb the hill. On the trail up to the vacated positions we came under heavy fire, Robertson was killed. We dropped our packs and move steadily upward and attacked. We accomplished our mission of retaking hill 710. Throughout the remaining hours of darkness, there was a steady stream of Chinese counterattacks, some of them even were getting in to our trenches. I could hear to my left the Rangers and Chinese in hand-to-hand combat; Clopton from my squad was killed. The Chinese were beaten off. Clinging to our positions, we helped provide time for the 2nd division to adjust its forces for the continued onslaught. The Chinese were paying a terrible price for there successes, so were we.

        In the first 24 hours of their attack the 2nd Division Artillery fired 30,149 rounds of ammunition, causing an estimated 5000 enemy casualties. During daylight of the 18th, the Chinese did not attack us. We watched long columns of Chinese on higher ground to our left bypassing us. They were using a double envelopment to finish the remnants of the 1st Battalion 38th Infantry. (I was to learn later that the Chinese were three miles behind us.) Our misfortunes were getting worst; the enemy was not the only ones to engage us. Two US Marine Corsairs swooped down and machine-gunned our position. To my left on higher ground, a Chinese sniper’s fire killed at least seven Rangers, including Lieutenant Herman (West Point 1946) I witnessed one of the bravest acts I had ever seen in saving a man’s life instead and taking them. PFC Robert Mastin repeatedly risked his life to help the wounded the sniper was shooting. Time after time he was struck by enemy fire, yet he continued to bring wounded men under shelter and attend to their injuries. His severe wounds finally stopped his courageous heart. Posthumously Mastin was recommended for the Medal of Honor.

        Sometime during the night our radioman and our SCR-300 were lost. Captain Carrier was in a bunker with a radio SCR-619 that must have been use by a Dutch artillery observer; it was left in the bunker when they left. Captain Carrier asked if anyone could operate it, I hollered, “I know how,” and ran to the bunker. Chatter was coming in all day from the 2nd Division. At 1700 hours word came over the radio that I thought only happened in the movies, “Get off the hill and back to the 38th Infantry the best way you can.” I was behind Captain Carrier, he asked if I destroyed the radio, my answer was no. He said, “Go back and destroy it.” I ran back to the bunker, took my 45 and shot it dead. By this time it began to rain, shells were coming in from

        everywhere, it was getting dark and I was by myself and scared to death till I found two other Rangers. The three of us were going to get off of hill 710 together. It was not to be, I was in the lead and it wasn’t long before I was hit, the other two men were dead and I was alone again. At this point in time I didn’t care anymore. I had an infected left leg and a small wound in my right leg. I need a drink of water and crawled to the streambed. While getting my drink I looked up and saw a man carrying a soldier on this back. Not wanting to be alone again, I yelled that I’d give him help carrying the man. He had a terrible wound to his leg, not much was left of it. We went a short distant and had to rest. We hid in a thicket of bushes. It was now dark, I was exhausted and so was the man I was helping, we soon fallen a sleep. Sometime later loud talking awaked us. It was the Chinese who were all around us. When daylight came we checked our wounded man, he was dead. The man that was first carrying him was Ed Dubreuil a Ranger replacement. It wasn’t long before the Chinese, I mean a lot of Chinese, found us, and their leader was a very tall man with a hair-lip. They searched us and, the only thing they took was my camera. They offered us a drink of water, we both accepted.

        The battle that we were in was called the MAY MASSACRE. For many years I thought it was called that because of the number of men from the 2nd Division and the Rangers who were killed and wounded. It was called that because of the Chinese killed.

        These were the Ranger losses.

        Rangers that were killed in the May Massacre


        Lieutenants A. Herman***R. Fuller***A. Vismor

        L. Oluich P.Lotti H.Robertson H.Tompson

        J. Clopton C.Vesy

        R. Evans

        C. Baily


        C. Bunch

        G. Smith

        H. Adkinson

        H. Fraser

        G. Hall

        R. Kittlewell

        E. Dansberry

        G. Lewis

        R. Laydon

        R. Mastin

        H. Bagnell

        Rangers wounded


        R. Gilland

        R. Meeks

        H. Mansfield

        J. Girolmo

        J. Phillips

        J. Reddy

        H. Kloke

        D. Olson

        W. Sharp

        L. Thibodeaux

        R. Morgan

        J. Lisi

        A. Dobson

        V. Ruiz

        F. Nickels

        J. Wilson

        R. Bayne

        E. Meyer

        B. Warne

        J. Anglin

        V. Bac

        J. Cujdik

        R. Pittman

        L. Villa

        G. Dahl

        G. Voss

        E. Baker

        W. Cole

        J. Evans

        R. Gilland

        A. Adams

        E. Schroader

        C. Hayden

        E. Meyers

        A. Bukary


        1st Ranger Company POW

        (Date is the date Ranger died or was declared dead. If there is a second date, POW was released.)

        Carrier, Charles 19 May 1951

        Dansberry, Earl 19 May 1951

        Dubereil, Ed May 1951 – Aug 1953

        Grimm, Norman 12 Jan 1951

        Lublinski, George S. 31 May 1951

        Taken by Russians?

        Lukasik, Tony May 1951 – Aug 1953

        Lutz, John W. 31 July 1951 Ramatowski, Alex May 1951- Aug 1953

        Rhatigan, Bill May 1951 – Aug 1953

        Rollins, Charles May 1951 – Aug 1953

        Spence, John 20 May 1952

        Villa, Lew May 1951 – Aug 1953

        Waters, Eunis G. 30 Jan 1951Feb 1951



        Hill 710战斗中被志愿军狙击手击毙的中尉A. Herman

      • 家园 花您。



    • 家园 我的看法(上)


      基本认同pxpxpx提出的2nd Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne)--空降兵第二游骑兵连参战的看法。

      一、在朝鲜战争中,第二游骑兵连隶属于美军第七师或187空降团战斗群(combat team)


      证据2:书《Airborne Rangers》By Alan M. Landau,第30页末(链接

      二、第二游骑兵连的Ralph W. Sutton在1951年5月20日阵亡于Sang-Kwiryang附近。





      2nd Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne)

      Airborne Ranger


      Hostile, Died (KIA)

      Date Of Loss: May 20, 1951

      Service Number: RA34840408


      Location of Loss: SANG-KWIRYANG

      Born: March 11, 1925

      Comments: Corporal Sutton was a member of the 2nd Airborne Ranger Company, 7th Infantry Division. He was Killed in Action while fighting the enemy near Sang-Kwiryang, South Korea on May 20, 1951.

      Korean War Project Key No: 29283


      三、在书《Elite Warriors》 By Lance Q. Zedric, Michael F. Dilley,第202页中(链接)也提到了第二游骑兵连在Sang Kwiryang战斗中的出色表现。

      下面就可以集中讨论Sang Kwiryang这个地点了。

    • 家园 老萨笔耕不辍,09第一花
    • 家园 过年了,给你拜年。
    • 家园 有点眉目了

      萨大问起的美军空降部队很可能是2nd Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne)-空降兵第二游骑兵连。





      2nd Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne)

      4 April 1951

      2nd and 4th Rangers received new assignments. 2nd Rangers were to become a training base for black soldiers assigned to the 7th Infantry Division. Their mission was to provide two weeks of training to 52 replacements.

      29 April 1951

      2nd Rangers were ordered to move a few miles northwest to occupy and hold a hill outside of village of Chaun-ni. Later during the campaign, on 19 and 20 May, the 2 d Rangers participated in the assault on Hill 581.

      Chaun-ni : http://land.worldcitydb.com/chaun-ni_990029.aspx

      LATITUDE : 37.63184

      LONGITUDE : 128.0201

      20-21 May 1951

      2nd Rangers lead assault on Hill 581 killing 50 Chinese and wounding 90 in about 2 hours. 17 members of the 2nd Rangers were awarded the Purple Heart , and 7 were cited for bravery.

      小理山 : Sorisan +37°46' 5.99", +127°18' 52.92"





      • 家园 美军二战时的伞兵部队全部由白人组成


      • 家园 黑人伞兵连队?



        • 家园 美国军队打破种族隔离的政策从1948年开始





        • 家园 印象中似乎就是从朝鲜战争开始的


      • 家园 也有可能是空降游骑兵第一连




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