
主题:【美国大选手记五十九】史上最瞩目的副总统辩论 -- 尼伯龙根·蜗藤

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  • 家园 【美国大选手记五十九】史上最瞩目的副总统辩论








    关键词(Tags): #美国大选手记元宝推荐:landlord,

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    • 家园 One should leave the party..

      ....when he's still having fun


    • 家园 简直就是“出来混,总是要还的”



      尤其是我认为,对于“奥巴马真相小分队”(Obama truth squad),蜗藤把其定性为压制言论自由的无理打压手段,这种指责实际很没道理。事实上只要回想上一届竞选,克里的越战英雄形象是怎么被共和党阵营的一支奇兵,用真假难辩的手段抹黑成了负资产,这可以理解奥巴马、民主党这次决心不再重蹈复辙的心情。


    • 家园 蜗藤要留一个六十做完美终结么?


    • 家园 民调是怎么产生的




      NOTE: We received the below from a mother in Colorado who was recently

      polled. She describes how the poll was conducted, what questions were asked,

      and how her poll was differentiated (how the pollster recorded her vote).

      We’ve never heard from anyone who’s been polled directly before, but if

      this is how the polls are actually conducted and recorded, we now understand

      why SoetorObama did 15% worse in some states during the primaries than what

      he was polled as.

      Dear HillBuzz,

      OK, well I got polled and now I am pissed.

      We just moved back to CO and I registered as an Independent. I think that is

      the reason I got the call.

      Here is how it went - they called when my 10 month old was upset so I told

      them not right now. She said she just wanted a few questions and didn’t

      mind my son being upset. I said fine.

      She NEVER asked me WHO I supported. She asked this question first -

      1. Do you support lower taxes to help the economy recover. - of course, I

      said yes.

      2. Did I support our initial ‘invasion’ of Iraq. She emphasized that this

      wasn’t about the surge or supporting the troops now, just did I believe we

      should have been there in the first place. I said No, I didn’t really think

      now was the time to have gone in.

      At that point I asked her why she didn’t just ask me who I supported. She

      said that the polling company didn’t want partisanship they believed that a

      person’s opinion on the issues reveals who they will vote for.

      So I asked her who my answers revealed I would vote for.

      She said I was put in the supporting Obama category…………..

      What the hell. I told her NO, I am supporting McCain. She then said that

      because I wanted lower taxes I fit with Obama’s economic plan…LMAO and

      because I didn’t really thing we should have gone into Irag that I

      supported Obama’s foreign policy plan……..LMAO again (I am short on A$$

      right now :)

      I told her the premise of the questions were false and misleading due to the

      fact that I did not believe Obama would lower taxes. She also didn’t ask

      my income bracket to verify where in his plan I fall to determine my answer.

      Even if you use Obama’s so called plan, if I was rich, then I would lean

      McCain by wanting lower taxes. I told her that Obama’s plan does not

      include taxes lower than McCain’s in any category.

      I literally laughed at the foreign policy question. I said, first your

      premise is based on hindsight which is 20/20. Two respectable democrats

      viewed the same flawed intelligence to make their decision. Hillary and

      others voted to support and start the Iraq War. I think the issue isn’t

      Bush, the Repubs or Democrats it is the faulty intelligence that came in and

      the climate of fear in America at the time. However, just because I believe

      that Iraq was not a good idea does not lend support to Obama because you

      can’t change history. He wasn’t given an opportunity to vote on Iraq

      because he was still in the state senate. He might have voted present or yes

      to the war we really don’t know. He was not privy to the intelligence. He

      stance and record since the war began and Obama’s view has appauling. I

      told her to mark me down for McCain and she said she would have to discuss

      it with her superviser due to my answers to the questions………..


      If this is how polling is going then of course Obama is ahead. I am still

      pissed. I have zero faith in polling or the MSM these days.

      Colorado Mom

      • 家园 爱信不信


      • 家园 一到大选,无奇不有
    • 家园 广告:俺又开赌庄啦

      【赌通宝】今年美国大选, 谁能当选?


    • 家园 好文得宝





    • 家园 有趣




    • 家园 谢谢:作者意外获得【通宝】一枚




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