
主题:【原创】飓风Ike亲历记 -- 兰州人

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    • 家园 送花




    • 家园 flower and Comfort 兰州人

      It seems IKEA did more damages than the one of three year ago.


      Water & food for a week. a flashlight, and some gas if possible.

      • 家园 还好



        • 还好
          家园 不过galvston全毁了

          I saw those pictures about Galveston. That famous bridge was totally flooded. I doubt students of UTMB might have to spend their time in UT Houston after this summer.

          However, Houston is always safe. But one has to remember to keep his car from flooding. 2001 flood killed quite a lot cars of Houston.

          I am just curious that why you guys didn't evacuate.

          • 家园 心存侥幸呗



            • 家园 没见过厉害的飓风

              I almost got killed in 2001- the water in Fannin street could be as high as 1 meter. The whole city was paralyzed for two weeks after that. Thus in 2005, when people heard Katrina was coming, more than half population of the town ran away by land or by air. As a result, the major highway to North, I59, I10, and I45 were almost blocked - the speed was 2 m/h. The worst thing was one couldn't find any gas from gas stations along those major highways. Once one ran out of gas, the big trouble came.

              • 家园 Since you mentioned Fannin..

                Were you near Rice? Was the campus flooded? Just wondering


                • 家园 Rice

                  That flood lasted for quite short time. Rice is slightly higher than Finnin area. It happened also, but situation was better. All car parked in BCM uncovered parking lots that night were gone. The worst thing is the animals of BCM were kept in basement, and all were drown. Also many equipments and facilities there were gone.

              • 家园 花慰





                • 花慰
                  家园 那么您现在还在houston住吗

                  No, I left Houston last year.

                  Please keep it in mind: You are the only one who are responsible for yourself. The situation was totally lost of control later. The police could not do anything much helpful- even in I45, all ways were openned to north, it won't speed up much. The better stategy could be to pick up some FM road, and just go to a neighboring town, like 100 miles away.

                  • 家园 花谢


                    所以我要是逃难,肯定也不会走290,肯定也是从我们这里的小路一路向北开,然后去college station 看看,如果还不行,就继续向北,直到一个有电有油有水的地方,呵呵


    • 家园 送花安慰。
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