
主题:建立在新闻发布会内容翔尽真实的基础上,瓮安事件流程推测 -- 故园湾里

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                          • 很好
                            家园 And plus the best way to 支持政府

                            is to improve their performance through your effort.

                            Criticization and open your voice to express different ideas are part of support.

                            As for disussion and exchange ideas with each other is the best way to learn from each other, to educate and to be educated.

                          • 很好
                            家园 You miss the point or mislead.

                            IT is totally wrong:凡是反对政府的就叫有良心,支持政府的就没有良心. It is very important 特别要警惕谣言就很重要了.

                            So we need to find the common base to discuss this:

                            良心----To verify the truth based on limited info. You can get info from one side, however, you can only get mix info from the other side, then common sense and logic are needed.

                            • 家园 我认为跟良心没有关系




                              • 家园 I never say别人良心大大的坏

                                Don't jump your judgement, I only emphasize that we should always keep it in mind and only with it, we can have the common base to discuss otherwise, it is meaningless on it

                                • 家园 我反对的就是这一点


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