
主题:乔大爷够狠呐:3G iPhone $199 -- 无所事事

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              • 家园 如果现在你还以为 iPhone 只是个 Fancy 的用户界面

                那只能说是大大的错了,在近年内,iPhone 2.0 绝对是制造用户需求,开辟新市场的最经典战例。

                BTW: 从电话的角度来说,A1200也不是个好例子,我用过,现在归老爸了,Closed, Buggy, Slow, Unintuitive - I Can Go on and on and on and on~~~

                自从我爸用上这台电话,他的铃声每年换两次——因为我每年回家两次,连换个铃声对他来说都太复杂,That says a Lot about MOTO's Sh!tty Situation Now.

            • 家园 Apple is a religion, not a cult
              • 家园 iPhone的第二次降临

                显然是有某些不可预期的疯狂因素,人们对于第二版的iPhone兴趣不但不减,反而大增(要知道除了3G、GPS,iPhone 3G 几乎跟初代没有区别),他们不但在首发的周五排队,甚至在5天之后,各大城市的果子铺仍然大排长龙,AT&T的门店基本上在发售首日就全部售罄,果子铺虽然每天都会得到新的供应,也出现了大面积断货现象,天天补货,天天抢光,人们对于 AppStore 和 MobileMe 的兴趣如此之大,让拥有运行全美最大网络媒体商店 iTunes 经验的 Apple 也应对不及,出现了连续几天的服务障碍,以致需要公开道歉并提供所有 MobileMe 用户免费延期一个月的补偿。

                说实话,我完全理解第三方软件,AppStore的运营方式对于手机平台来说有多大的意义,但我根本想不到那么多非Geek的Everyday Normal Guys也能为此兴奋到这种程度,造成这么大的风潮 —— Apple 在向人们传达信息方面,确实超一流。

                • 家园 lol

                  那么多非Geek的Everyday Normal Guys也能为此兴奋到这种程度

                  Did you get your 3G iPhone?

                  • lol
                    家园 No, I'll Wait until

                    (relatively cheap) unlocked version. I almost bought a iPod touch last week coz I'm really tired of this endless waiting...but apparently that store's POS didn't work, just when I was wandering around the mall to find a ATM, sense come back to me (Praise Jobs! Amen!) - well, since the balance of the Universe got restored somehow without me buying a iPod touch, no point going back to that vender knowing I would regret that purchase the second I walked out there.

                    • 家园 when will the

                      (relatively cheap) unlocked version come out?

                      • 家园 That I don't know,

                        but sometime before Xmas would be lovely

                        And also I suppose it would be illegal or against the EULA to some extent. (Wink Wink)

                        • 家园 another 5 months?
                          • 家园 Let's hope for the best

                            and prepare for the worst, shall we?

                            • 家园 hehe,

                              is the early cancellation fee illegal now in U.S.?

                              • hehe,
                                家园 Surely You understand

                                That's not the way I'm willing to go.

                                Seriously, still considered Rip-Off to my standard - $100 more would be reasonable don't you think?

                                • 家园 I plan

                                  to quit my cell contract and buy an iphone.

                                  • I plan
                                    家园 Go to your local Apple Store

                                    to check if there is any available first plz.

                                    There are all kinds of horror stories 'bout the iPhone 3G floating around, I would wait for at least another week. Apple's NOT prepared, the launch weekend is a marvelous disaster.

      • 家园 ATT给Iphone的什么计划
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