
主题:【求助】着急 有没有手头有现成的呼吁捐款的英文信啊? -- lielu

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  • 家园 【求助】着急 有没有手头有现成的呼吁捐款的英文信啊?

    要发给公司的同事。 周末找不到人写

    关键词(Tags): #汶川地震(喜欢)#捐款(喜欢)

    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 这里是我今天发给学院同事的(有图有文有链接),请随便用


    • 家园 这里是我们学校的

      A disastrous earthquake hit Sichuan Province, China at 14:28 CST on May

      12 (23:28 Pacific Time, May 11), with its epicenter located in Wenchuan Country. It has a magnitude of 7.8 Ms according to the State Seismological Bureau of China and 7.9 Mw according to the United States Geological Survey. This magnitude is roughly the same as that of the

      "1906 San Francisco earthquake".

      As of May 15, 2008 --

      * 19,509 (estimated > 50,000) people have died from the earthquake;

      * 1 in ten local Wenchuan people has been either killed or injured;

      * Thousands of students were buried;

      * Conservative estimation on full recovery is 10-20 years;

      * Millions are sleeping unsheltered on the street and in greet need of water, food, shelter, medication, and prevention of infectious diseases after the catastrophe.

      Now we are facing a crucial time of rescuing those people in need and helping them with disaster relief. Children are wandering homeless on the street; young people are being buried by their tearing elder parents with unspeakable sadness. Give now to help them!




      Contact ……

    • 家园 这里一定有,


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