
主题:紧急求助,兄弟正在给《中国国防报》写评论…… -- 双石

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      • 家园 合肥他们的游行


      • 家园 已经转发在我的博客,并将向有关报刊推荐……



      • 家园 华盛顿大学的校报关于游行的报道。英文版。



        Crime Blotter: Burglaries, Dalai Lama

        By Siv Prince April 15, 2008

        While the UW Police Department (UWPD) had its hands full preparing for the Monday afternoon visit of the Dalai Lama, it still had to deal with a burglary and a break-in.

        Sunday night at about 9:41 p.m., a faculty member with an office in the North Physics Laboratory left his office to go to the grocery store. When he returned to his office a short time later, a man was in the room near the faculty member’s desk. The startled employee abruptly shut the door, which the suspect attempted to lock from the inside, according to the UWPD. When this failed, the suspect pushed through the door and ran off.

        “He ran off towards the Burke-Gilman Trail,” UWPD Assistant Chief Ray Wittmier said. The victim said that when he first walked in, the man was putting loose change from the victim’s desk into a bag. When the suspect ran out the door, however, the bag broke.

        “He didn’t end up getting away with anything,” Wittmier said.

        On Friday, a student reported to police a car break-in from the N-15 parking lot near McMahon Hall. The student said that the locked door of the car was tampered with, and about 20 CDs and two suitcases belonging to the student had been stolen from the vehicle. The police have been unable to recover these items.

        The biggest police story was the visit of the Dalai Lama. After weeks of preparation to ensure security at the UW event at Hec Edmundson Pavilion, the UWPD was pleased that the massive event went without a hitch, Wittmier said.

        “We had about 600 protesters,” Wittmier said. “They were very cooperative. We talked to them ahead of time. It was all peaceful protests.”

        [Reach columnist Siv Prince at [email protected].]

      • 家园 非常同意你的看法!虽然这种事情很难避免过激行为,但必须将过激……


    • 家园 第2 似乎在哪里见过..

      记得是4.13 渥太华集会时的事情...待俺去找人确认一下.



    • 家园 尽量回答一下。

      我不知道一和二是不是说的一回事。二出现在我的文章里,我来解释一下。这段话出现在4月15号(游行转天)的UW daily上,UW daily 是华盛顿大学(University of Washington)的校报。




      “The biggest police story was the visit of the Dalai Lama. After weeks of preparation to ensure security at the UW event at Hec Edmundson Pavilion, the UWPD was pleased that the massive event went without a hitch, Wittmier said."

      昨天最大的警力事件就是达赖喇嘛的来访,华盛顿大学警察分局花费了好几周来为在Hec Edmundson广场的活动做准备,助理警长Ray Wittmier说他们很满意这个大型的活动最后没有引起任何的冲突

      “We had about 600 protesters,” Wittmier said. “They were very cooperative. We talked to them ahead of time. It was all peaceful protests.”

      ”我们大概有600名抗议者”,Wittmier说。 “他们都很合作,我们事先沟通过了。抗议活动从头到尾都很和平。

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