
主题:CNN就西藏报道特意声明 -- 晨枫

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    • 家园 好!希望下一个是德国的“主流媒体”。
    • 家园 看首句,很高兴。如今也轮到它抗议被挑选了。

      CNN has been singled out for criticism for our coverage of events in Tibet through an anti-CNN.com Web site and elsewhere.

      single out(单单选出一个)是比较严重的事,有歧视之嫌,美国社会还是比较忌讳这种情况的。哈哈,一般弱势群体才会抗议被单选,让强势方多加小心。没想到今天轮到cnn了。



    • 家园 老话说得好——洋人不怕皇上怕百姓
    • 家园 anti-cnn那个网站,




    • 家园 这段回复很有深意

      Hello, I'm a Westerner too. Writing from Spain. I'm a fan of China, I love your beautiful country so much. I study Chinese and I'd like to live in China for some years. I comdemn these Tibetan TERRORISTS who are killing Han people. I hate terrorists, my country has suffered terrorism too. Blame those murderers!!! Big support!! I'm so sad because 99% of people in my homeland are totally brainwashed against China. If you love your country you have to do a big effort to show the truth to the whole mankind. Notice that in most Western TV channels all images about separatist violence are CENSORED, people don't know anything about this. The TV tell us that all killed demonstrators are Tibetans killed by the Chinese army. They sometimes say that mobs are doing bad things, but they pay so little attention to that fact that most people miss it. What everybody is keeping in mind is that Dalai rioters are peaceful people being oppressed by Chinese army. They also say that Tibet was invaded by Mao Zedong, as if it hadn't been a part of China ever before.They tell so many lies, you can't imagine. All the time! This is an international complot against China. In my opinion our governors are educating the masses to hate China, there isn't any other reason as far as I can imagine. They want all Westerns to believe that China is an evil empire, a giant version of North Korea. Deal with this, the West hates China. I'm sorry to say this, but that's the truth. Most people used to think that China is an amazing country with its old culture, etc. We are missing all that. Now we are being educated to think that China is only bad things. We NEVER, NEVER, NEVER watch good news from China. Only bad things, totally biased. Deal with it, and get used to this hate asap, because we can't stop it. I really think that the West is a threat for China, you better get used to that. The dream of the Western governments is seeing China totally destroyed, seeing Chinese economy fucked so that your country stay poor forever and the West can go on eating all the resources in earth. The West doesn't want to share wealth with 1300M Chinese, that's why our governments want to fuck China. PS: Please write in English. Chinese people know the truth already, no need to explain. Now you have to tell the truth to the rest of mankind, but nobody will learn anything if you write in your language.

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