
主题:【求助】关于添加机油 -- 兰州人

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    • 家园 您确定吗?







      • 家园 我的尾气检查是通过了的



        • 家园 您的车是不是很吵?


          Find the cheapest 机油 you can find. Mix different brand of 机油 is ok. Do worry about that.Use 10W40 may be better for you considering the condition of your car. How do I know? I have done that. I used to have 10+ year old car with 100k+ miles on it.

          Usually newer cars recommends 5W30 in their owner's manual, cars manufactured in 80's recommend 10W40. 90's is the time they start to change. I am not sure which one your car recommends. However 10W40 will be safer than 5W30 if you are not sure which one to use. If you use 5W30 on a car used to use 10W40, you will see the oil leak from gaskets.

          我打中文字很慢,而且很多子都不X打。(X should be huei)。

          • 家园 thank You so much!

            mine is 1998 saturn SL2 with 117k miles

            I add some 10w40 along with oil leak protector last week. It was OK, however, it seems that my engine is maker a bit larger noise, is that OK?

            Thank you so much!

            • 家园 您要看温度表。


              You need to find out what is the noise. You can listen to the noise when your car engine is running with all windows down and then step on the gas pedal. Muffler noise should be coming from under the car or behind it. Engine noise should be coming from the front where the engine is located.

              If you can confirm you have a leaking muffler, then don't worry too much about the oil leak as long as it is not too bad.

              If the noise is truely engine noise, then make sure it is not too noisy. A little bit is ok. My car's engineer sound better right after an oil change, over time it get a little bit noisier.

              I won't waste money on oil leak protector.

              When I was driving those old cars, I monitor the temperature gauge and oil pressure gauge(one of my car has one) all the time. I never accelerate too fast. I usually slow down early when I need to stop so that I don't need to brake too hard. I also learn fixing my car on my own so that I don't have to pay someone else for their time. I know you didn't ask for it. But those are my advice on driving old car.

              Good luck!

        • 家园 对了,别光听车行的



        • 家园 算了,您的车就得过且过,过一天赚一天吧

          能不能自己去walmart/auto zone什么地方买来机油,然后不换以前的油,而是直接把盖子打开,把机油倒进去,可以这样吗?这样过3个月再去店里面换废油,不知道这样可以吗?



          车的用户手册 或/和 车的维修手册





    • 家园 把机油烧了

      把机油烧了!!!!!!----Do not change oil, change your car or engine

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