
主题:美国经济继续看牛? -- Martingale

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    • 家园 就业数据忽悠的可能性很大

      房地产都已经跌到这个地步,房地产建筑商都公开承认07全年都suck, 居然建筑行业增加56000份工作,可能吗?



      Please, the BLS are a bunch of Neo-con controlled scumbags. If people weren't scared for their life, they would have whistled blown it years ago(and it is well known the Neo-cons only let you whistle blow what they feel they can handle).

      1.The BLS kept numbers low through Bush's first term, interestingly except for the UE rate, which mysteriously kept on going down.

      2.Then they have a mysterious benchmark revision in the 2005-06 period

      3.Now we get mysterious overinflated job growth(57,000 teachers WTF? Growth in construction even though Residential is THREE TIMES the size of Commercial or Public and a labor force rate that refuses to go up?).

      Come on people, ADP shows a much clearer view of job growth even before they redid their process for this year. They showed the recovery, they now show the slowdown, which the BLS, because of political games, cannot. If they were investigated and outside accountants and stats people were brought in to run review everything:

      1.Labor Force rates would rise

      2.Findings of negating job growth in Bush's first term to blame the previous Admin for the "problems"

      3.Creating invisible jobs from thin air(57,000 teacher again, WTF? as my mom would say, impossible this time of year) to support the Bush second term

      The UE rate would be back in the 5.1-5.5% range and shake invester and international confidence. Which is why Democrats won't do a thing, because they are in power now.

      It is a shamefull time to be a American with these Orwellian games being played.

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