
主题:【原创】新片介绍:三百雄狮(spoiler) -- MacArthur

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家园 So funny, Sparta and freedom

Spartans were defending "an age of freedom"?

Whose freedom, and what kind of freedom was it?

In fact, people living under the rule of Xerxes enjoyed much more freedom in many ways when compared with Spartans, , no need to mention Helots.

It seems to be a cool movie, just don't like the ideology behind it.

What a great move, coming at the right time.

Humans beat the Orcs. West beats the East. Europeans beat the Persians. Whites beat the Colors. "Freedom" beats "slavery". Democracy beats totalism.

It may not be the intension of the producer to create such an impression, however it may be the way how the movie is received.

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