
主题:【原创】美国:电脑程序员职业滨临灭绝 -- 山而王

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家园 In Sillicon Valley

90%+ are hired by small employers.

It might be different from other areas.

Surely out-sourcing happens every day, however a lot new companies are started up every day as well.And some of them turn to be next INTEL, CISCO, maybe recent successful one like GOOG and Youtube.

People here actually do give up employment in large established companies to join small startups.

IMHO, here is the right place that has the whole environment. All these facts of venture capital, technologies, talented engineers and market that is willing to accept new technologies, are come together and ready here. You can outsourcing jobs, but you can't outsourcing the whole environment.

Just recently, the job market in bay area becomes almost as hot as the boom time.

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