
主题:【原创】纪念宋美龄 -- 风雨声

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家园 【文摘】宋美龄对于美国华人地位的贡献

1882年美国限制华人移民,成立Chinese Exclusion Act。直到1943年十二月才取消。蒋宋美龄的演说是个催化剂,但是从史实来说,华人能入籍比原子弹引爆成功早多了。以下是美国官方网站的摘录。


Slowly, over the course of many years, advocacy for repeal of the Chinese

Exclusion Act mounted. By 1943, contemporary articles from the INS periodical,

Monthly Review, addressed both the political and practical issues involved in

repeal, as well as the importance of "discarding the Chinese Exclusion Act and

whatever machinery for their enforcement had been built up since the first

such act was adopted in 1882, and inaugurating a new era in the history of

Chinese immigration."

During World War II, as the Kuomintang government of Chiang Kai-Shek in

Nanking, China became an important ally and partner in the war against the

Japanese in Asia, popular sentiment in the United States started shifting away

from exclusion. An emotional appeal recommending repeal of the Chinese

Exclusion Acts was made by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek during a speech at the

Hollywood Bowl in California in 1943. By October of that year, even the

President of the United States went on record favoring repeal.

December 1943:

The December 17, 1943, law repealing Chinese Exclusion marked an end to a

unique chapter in the history of United States immigration policy. The 1943

repeal ended over 60 years of official and legal discrimination against

Chinese immigrants in and to the United States.

美国白佬可以一边援助你, 一边照样排华法案排你, 把所有中国女人的子宫拒于

国门之外, 榨干一个个中国男人的血汗后让它们老死他乡进坟墓(别忘了许多州

不许亚裔和白人通婚, 中国女人按排华法案不许入境, 你要么去找黑人墨人, 如果

黑人墨人都瞧不上你, 只能去找野狗喽). 想废除排华法案, 43年到49年是最后的

好时机, 否则一来即使废了, 很可能范围只限于台湾, 大陆仍然处处受限(记住排华

法案不只一个, 43年全部一笔勾销实属罕见); 二来如果废晚了, 就算黑人60年代

争取到平权, 按排华法案很可能华人不在平权之列. 中国的女F2能来美国, 宋美龄


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