
主题:【文摘】也谈乙肝的治法 -- 净土居

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家园 一个"奇迹"案例:一婴儿生下来只有两个心室,数千人为他祈祷6周后

竟然又长出两个心室, 变得正常了!


One of the most remarkable healing shifts that David and I ever heard about happened about 10 years ago at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara, where we used to live. We heard about this healing on Tom Brokaw's national television news hour. We saw a medical doctor stand before a camera at the hospital and say that six weeks prior to this, a baby had been born in that hospital with a two- chambered heart. They put the baby on life support system and made a plea for an infant heart to be made available. Six weeks passed, and they heard something different on the heart monitor. They opened up the child's chest cavity, and found a four-chambered heart. The doctor said on national television that this had never occurred before in medical history. ...

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