
主题:【原创】朝鲜战场上的美国“老爸”——当了战俘名利双收(续) -- 老拙

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家园 Communists Tried To Cover Up Deaths (2)

One day in early 1951 some' of the Turks, who were pretty staunch Allied troops, heard that the New York Herald Tribune's reporter, Maggie Higgins, had been captured. They told me about it. I had known Maggie in Berlin and again in Korea. None of us liked the idea of an American woman being in the hands of the Reds so we got together a few little things we could spare for her and about in American greenbacks and gave it to the Turks to get to her. We knew the Chinese were crazy for greenbacks and figured that small amount of money might help her out. The Turks took the money and about four later returned everything to all the donors be- cause they had learned through the grapevine that Miss Higgins had not been captured. I sure liked those Turks. They were good soldiers and good men. The Chinese never were able to do much with them. The Turks just shrugged their shoulders and pretended they didn't understand. They even brought in a Turkish- speaking Russian who had once worked in the Russian embassy at Ankara. He didn't have any luck either and may be in a Rus- sian hole somewhere today for having failed. The Reds told us one day that the United States government was holding up letters to POWs. I think it was the other way around. I know people wrote me and thanked me for making pictures of their prisoner kin. Americans do things like that. I got about 10 j such letters in prison camp but i I'll bet there were many more, j I had intended to write letters to those 10 or 12 people and thank! them but the Communists took those letters away from me when I was freed on Aug. 9. Now I don't have the names or addresses. I was only permitted to write two letters a month while I was in prison and of course they went to my wife. They took away from me every address I had in writing when I left.

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